Sunday, August 9, 2020

My Crushes

 So a few weeks ago I uploaded a video that is called Crushes on my K Productions 3.0 channel. I have two-channel, one K Productions 3.0 and the other is Flanngy's Channel. I have two because I am not sure what K Productions 3.0 is really all about. I originally created it to do animations but then it became difficult posting a lot of other crap, so I decided to make a channel all about Flanngy. Flanngy's vlogs, and possibly other videos like gaming or funny silly videos with Flanngy character. Flanngy is a character I made up, I have made a few videos me dressed up as Flanngy in K Productions 3.0. 

But anyways this is about Crushes. 

This video I wanted to do something different, compared with all of my other videos I have done I wanted to try coloring it. But if I was going to color it then I wanted to make it super short, this video is only two minutes long and yet it took me four months to make.

  Well about two months, I started animating it at the end of February and got it done in July. But I did have a few gaps in between for I was dealing with my personal life. I have mentioned my personal life, not getting into details but it has gotten crazy and trying to get my life back together. One day I will explode about it but not right now.

Crushes are somewhat poetic, not exactly but were trying to make it like a poem. But it's really, not a poem.

I had a few crushes in my life, but not big enough to like tell. I had one crush in middle school and I told my friend about it, every day my crush and I would talk a lot and I was really liking him. But once my friend found out about it she had to go to him and ask, "Do you know Krystal? Do you like her?" and that was so embarrassing. He stopped talking to me. 

Why is it when someone finds out they like someone they just stop talking to you? Like what the heck! When he decided to stop being my friend I was very angry, upset, and of course, I didn't like him anymore. 

In the video, it shows that Whitney (the purple dress girl) that she has a crush on a redhead. I did have a crush on a redhead once, in High school. He was so awesome, but I was so shy to be around him. I hardly spoke to him but whenever he does talk to me I would talk back but I always felt like I say the wrong thing or can't talk at all, it's embarrassing. On a class project for our drama class they put us in groups and had to act certain characters, I asked to act like I was flirting with the redhead guy, and as funny as I did it, I was really flirting with him. I remember how he picked me up from the ground acting all exciting about something and I loved it. But yet again we weren't really anything, he was just an awesome redhead kid in my drama class.

I didn't really have any other crushes that I think of. I know that some other guys had a crush on me, which yeah I do find a bit strange for I never thought they did.  But there were a few that were obvious. 

Well, one kid in my elementary school class did have a major crush on me and he did show it. He gave me gifts, and I have no idea where he is now but I want him to know that I did like the gifts, it was so sweet of him to do that to me, it did make me feel special but yet I did treat him unkindly cause I didn't feel the same but he wasn't ugly, he was a cute boy and who knows how he looks today.  No other guy did that to me and even how young I was.

In middle and high school I didn't have many guy friends. I mainly hanged out with girls because they were easier for me to hang out with, each time a guy becomes my friend I don't see them as my friend, I saw them as my potential husband so I was "shy " I guess you could say but I don't really call myself that for I do get loud.

When there are no good boys around I somehow get dumb boys treated me so stupidly. In science class they always bugged me about my art, one kid drew a naked woman and I was so grossed out and yet the teacher did nothing about it. In the same class, the stupid boys were playing around with the textbooks, and one sudden hit my face and it hurt real bad and the teacher yet again did nothing about it! I just had a nose bleed and no one seemed to care. Ok not all true, there was one student that was a male that came to me and asked if I was doing ok and I just answered I was in pain but what can you do and then he went back to his seat because the teacher told him too. 

I hate how dumb young teenagers can be, I'm not saying teenagers are all bad but there were a few that acted mature when they weren't, so many times the dumb guys in class would interrupt class and try to get me to make out with them, but laugh as if they are joking and I don't do anything about it. I don't say anything for it's dumb that they are asking me to do so in the first place. 

This video did bring back a lot of high school memories, it's been like 9 years since I graduated in high school. I still enjoy looking at cute boys, and really into romance. The boys below are the guys that I have created in my stories. I know I haven't published like none of them but that's where they came from. Which guy is your favorite?

The Struggle is Real

Hello people of the world, Krissy here with another blog post.  Depression is a real and serious issue that affects many people. It can be d...