Tuesday, November 17, 2020

My success this Year of 2020

 Ok, so this year is coming up to an end, and I didn't do all of my new year's resolution. I have been doing good keeping up my eating habit and such, but as far as going with my Youtube videos and posting blog posts and drawing more...not so much.

I only made to page 88 of Sweeet and Sour book 2, and the first book is still not published and working on being edit and such. 

I looked up how long it takes for other artists to do a comic book and it said 6-8 months! My first book took me almost three years to do, and yeah sure a lot has happened, I was being a mom and figuring out how to use my tablet, but I really thought I can do better with my next book but so far it hasn't. 

But I shouldn't get too hard on myself for one, this year really sucked, 2020 was really the year to suck, I was going through a lot with my personal life, I don't want to go into details about it now but maybe sometime in the future.

My comics were very small this year, I tried making more, and these two are the only ones I really made...

I know that 2020 wasn't the best year, so much has happened and people on Facebook are asking to read the terms and conditions for 2021, but honestly, it's coming no matter what, so yeah that's where the idea came from.

Last year I was making a lot more silly comics with Nonny Whitney and Tutu, but this year I wasn't on top of it. I did make a few about the Coronavirus, but that's about it. 

As goes for Youtube, I think I only made two videos. The Mother Hood 2, and Crushes, wow. I tried doing vlog videos but that also sunk. I just don't know how to make vlog videos. I get so nervous talking to a camera about...whatever, I don't like it. I don't know if I can keep up with Youtube, it's still a dream of mine to be a Youtuber, my new favorite Youtuber is Alex Myer, he does animations but does commentary on movies and shows I really enjoy watching them. He is so funny. 

But one thing that has happened to me this year that was good and I worked on very hard is Tiktok. Yes, Tiktok. I started doing Tiktok videos last year in September when I was getting to my lowest points, Tiktok helped me get through my days. I was making videos like crazy, I enjoyed doing whatever with the app, I didn't care for popularity I just liked what the app had and made it so fun.

When my personal life became crazy at the beginning of this year I took a break, only had like 100 followers and that's fine I didn't even think I would get any followers. But after a while, I started doing TikTok again, and from the moment I posted that video, (it was a video of Spongebob sound telling Patrick how to open a jar,) BOOM! already got so many followers and likes like never before. That was such a wow moment for me that I continued making videos.

During October month I tried dressing up doing a little cosplay kind of thing for the spirit of Halloween. I dressed up as a pumpkin, Zelda, a Vampire, Hello Kitty, a Witch, and did 2020 Doll. It was my own creation to dress up as like a 2020 doll, a doll for 2020, I looked pretty yet scary, has one fang tooth, put toilet paper in my hair, it was fun, I did enjoy dressing up and making a lot of Tiktoks.
2020 Doll.
Sorry, you can't see the toilet paper in my hair.

I made it to 1000 followers, and I couldn't believe it. My goal is to make it to 10,000 followers now, cause I'm like getting there, and I still enjoy making Tiktoks. Like a lot. I make a bunch of Tiktoks whenever I can and then post only a few a day, two in the morning, and two at night. I got one video that has made 11.06K views, wow! But most of the time my videos only get viewed 100. Sometimes even less, it's odd but it's ok, I am still happy with how many followers I have. 

On my Youtube channel I still only have 20 subscribers... well, I still continue to try for I am working on another video and maybe I can be better at doing vlog videos...I don't really know. 

But as a celebration for my 1000 followers, I drew a picture.
This picture is supposed to be me using the koala bear girl filter, I use it a lot, mainly when I don't feel pretty I use it. But yeah, it has the Tiktok logo in the back and my double chin. Cause I also like to show off my double chin and my unsuccessful cross-eyes. I can't really cross my eyes but try my best. 
But yeah thank you for whoever is following me on Tiktok, it has given me another purpose to succeed in life and wants to continue with it, you can definitely check me out at it @flanngy_kproductions. 

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