Monday, October 18, 2021

Sweet and Sour Book 1 available for kindle's

Haha, yeah I honestly didn't know what to call this piece, so I just called it Grabbing. Not a very good name, but for now that's what it is.

Hands Grabbing.

I did this during church for I like to paint, it helps me listen. When I grabbed the program it has this picture and I wanted to try to recreate it in my style. So two hours later this is what I did and I like it. My style I feel like is more bright and unique, but maybe you don't think so, but I personally do. 

The past few weeks I've been trying to publish my first book of Sweet and Sour through Amazon self-publishing. I got it on kindle book just fine, piece of cake, it was a breeze. But I've been trying to get it on paperback and it's like impossible! 

They help you very much with the kindle version, but with paperback their like "You're on your own, we need it in a PDF file," and all this other crap that I'm like, "What?!?" 

I spent hours and hours on my laptop, computer, and phone trying to figure out how to make a PDF file and etc. It took a lot of exporting, blood and tears, but hopefully, I got it and it will be available soon. But for now, you can check it out on kindle here.


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