Thursday, July 6, 2023

My first Vendor Event!

 Hello, people of the world!

On July 4, 2023, I did my very first vendor event! I prepared and made sure I had inventory and such. Make sure it looks presentable and fun! I had posters of my art, Sweet and Sour books, hardcover journals, children's books, and stickers.

I dressed up since it was on July 4th I wanted to look patriotic, but my dress got a lot of attention, all the other vendors didn't dress up like me, which isn't bad, I just thought maybe I overdressed but enjoyed people telling me how great I looked. 

Also got a spinning wheel that had prizes, it was a huge hit. A lot of kids wanted to spin it, even some adults wanted to and it's so fun! 

My book table had the journals I created plus more.

A lot of people liked my art the most, Nezuko was the most popular one. 

It was only for a few hours but it was so great! there was a parade, a concert, a bouncy house, and a playground. My kids were there with my family and they liked hanging out with me, they helped me a little bit when a new customer came up. (But I think they mainly liked the prizes, they kept asking for a toy or a lollipop, silly girls.)

I was so nervous at first for this is my first time doing this by myself, and the setup was hard to do (plus taking it down), but oh my I freakin loved it! I think I found my calling, I love making art, but since I can't be a ballet dancer art has been a backup plan for me, and doing this is like practicing for a dance concert and performing it on the day. 

If you guys don't know I wanted to be a ballet dancer, I took ballet when I was young and when I got my point shoes at age 12 I didn't want to stop. But unfortunately had to because of my knees, my right kneecap keeps slipping out and it hurts like the dickens when it does. I did get surgery on it in 2019 but man was that awful, and when I tried dancing it's still not the greatest, (probably because I'm old now and out of practice, but still can do the splits I work on it every day). I enjoy watching others doing ballet but am also saddened that it's not me. But art is my combat! I am performing it.

I want to do this again, just need to figure out how, when, and where. If anyone knows of anything in the Utah area that would be awesome!!

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