Friday, July 17, 2020

This is embarrassing but I don't what to Title this

So after months of not making more vlog videos, I decided to make one recently! From the beginning of this year, I started to make Vlog videos to help me to accomplish my goal of making my second book. But in February something happened to my personal life that put everything on hold. I couldn't draw for the longest time, and once things got settled I started to draw again.

I didn't know what to call this vlog video for I wasn't even sure what to talk about. So it's embarrassing to me, I wanted to make a vlog but didn't know what to say so I feel like it's a bunch of stuff and not really have a specific subject. I talked about how I am drawing again like my book Sweet and Sour 2 and trying to do more animations and such. I have mentioned how my friend and I draw pictures and you can make a request, it costs $20 dollars and we can draw anything you wish. 

Here is some of the fan work we have done. Again my friend draws it and I colored it, but I have done a few pictures where I have done both. 

Here are the ones I have done as requests and did both of the drawings and coloring. 

I am learning each time I try to color before I wouldn't dare color. My sister would use color pencils to color the pictures I would draw, but every time I tried doing that I just couldn't, for like I didn't really know how too. In art classes I took in High School I would be so freakin good at the drawing part, I did every assignment that involved drawing pencils, charcoal, and black and white art I had my art displayed every time. It was so cool, but whenever we had to paint, watercolor, anything colorful I would do good but not like great. I just for some reason wasn't that great at it and was very hesitant to try when I got my tablet.

Exhibit A. This was the first attempt I tried to paint on the Medibang Paint pro. It looks so bad.

Now some say, "Oh it doesn't look bad, your better than me," trust me when I say that this is bad. I can do better and am getting better every time. I learn so much through tutorials on Youtube and hope to make more for myself. I have done a few for my channel.
This is the same picture from before, see how much better it is. But look at my latest one.

Look at that handsome dude, and his coloring is so good looking.

I get better, practice does make perfect, as long as your practice the right way. I have known a girl that has been drawing as much as me but I feel like her drawings are not improving. He makes amazing characters and outfits but the way it looks, it looks like a child drew them. That might be harsh to say but it is true, I know I drew like a child once, but have improved so much.

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