Monday, July 6, 2020

Wow, I Got a Thing For Music Videos

So much has happened, besides the fact that this world is coming to an end, but I have been dealing a lot. My personal life got way too much in the way for me to do anything. In my last post, I was talking about how much I was working and it felt great, each day I manage to draw one page of my book and working on my next video, but I had to stop for I was busy moving. I have moved to a new place with my girls and it was so stressful moving but I got it done in one week.

Before I moved, my sister wanted to do a video about Milo Murphy, she wanted to dress like him and act like him and thought that maybe making a music video would be a great idea. So we got my other sister to be Melissa and my nephew to be Zack. We bought the outfits and manage to make this work. I directed and held the camera, I enjoy making music videos and had lots of fun doing this one for we had to be creative making Murphy's Law. 

We have made other kinds of music videos when we were in our teenage years, ('we' as in me and my sisters, Karli and Kynsie). Kynsie is Melissa in the Milo Murphy's Law video, and Karli is my older sister that is shorter than me in this next video called Melt Down by The Aquabats. The camera quality is not the greatest, I feel like it made the lightening very orange color, but it's still fun to watch. 

Video making has been a talent that I started to really enjoy doing. My sisters and I would make music videos quite frequently but as we got older we didn't do it as much. I have tried taking a video class and I did learn some things, but honestly, that class was so boring. The teacher would come out, say a few things tell us our assignments, and then hibernate in his office. I would hardly do anything, I would be in group of guys that did nothing but watch dumb stuff. Only one of them knew how to use the video maker editing thing on their computers since the teacher didn't want to teach any of his students how to use the computer editing system thing. I wish I could have learn but the only thing I really learn is pointing a camera correctly.

I to this day still enjoy making videos. It's probably why I really enjoy doing Tik Tok videos. When I started doing Tik Tok I couldn't stop, I think that app was meant for someone like me. I make short simple videos and it's fun to do with the effects, sounds, and such. 

I also make videos like my animations videos, it's not the best animation but it's something and I do enjoy making them, even though they do take a long time and patience to do. With my 20 Subscribers video, I explain how I animat in there, so check it out!

I guess I am posting a lot of videos in this post, so here's another one. I did this one as a treat for me todo on my Seventeenth birthday. (That was ten years ago today! Wow!) My sisters asked for me to make this video so I could be distracted that day as they prepared my surprised party, I enjoy it and was happy to do it. It may be work to do the editing part, but it's also the fun part, (but at that time my old computer would cooperate with me so it was frustrating.) The song is called Headlock by Imogen Heap. 

I don't know if I'll make another music video any time soon, but there is a music video I would love to do that is one of the original songs that I created. I have lots of songs I created and would like to get them published into albums and such, but I have no idea when that will happen for I don't have the money to do it professionally and I can do it just my cheap plan I have here, I just record on my phone and such I have been doing that to some of my other songs. 

But this certain song I have that I made recently is something very precious and I tend to choke for it explains some really dark times that I experience in my life recently. It's called Underwater, so the idea for the music video would be "Underwater". At least I think so, I don't know when that will happen but it is on my bucket list.

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