Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Comic's Explaination

2021 is coming and everyone on Facebook (At least on my Facebook,) are asking to see terms and conditions for 2021 before signing anything and I find it funny but also, we can't stop 2021 from coming either way. It is coming and there's nothing we can do. So I made a comic about it.

Someone gave me an idea about how anxiety gives them anxiety about remembering things like their kid's doctor appointment and such, it gave me this anxiety comic.

Covid has really given me paranoia, after Thanksgiving, I discovered that my sister got test positive for Covid and I was with her on thanksgiving day. I got myself tested and it gave negative, but then shortly afterward I find out that another sister was tested positive. So I got tested for covid again! Both times came back negative but it did give me paranoia that maybe I did get it. I was cautious about how I was feeling, did I had a fever, why was I coughing, were my taste buds ok, etc. So it also gave me another idea for a comic.

One time my sister and I were shopping for groceries, and as we were going to our car my sister saw a gift card on the floor outside by the parking lot. She was telling me about it as we got in our car driving home and was saying how what if she took it, but then it would be useless unless someone actually put money in it. Then she had this idea of what if a dumb robber was stealing gift cards and his boss was so upset with him. That gave me the idea for this next comic.

I have been working on Sweet and Sour all week long last week, this week is Christmas week so I am taking a small break because last week I did do three pages each day. Three pages yes!! It was so hard but I did it, and will probably keep trying to do that for the next week or so, for I want to get this second book done. I am on page 116, just over halfway done with the second book. I want to get this book done so I get into Flower in the Dust, Flower in the Dust is going to be about ten books long (If my math is correct it could be longer). I have started on the book but can't focus on it until Sweet and Sour is done because Sweet and Sour is still a great book and just want it to be my first success.

I drew the main character in her bird outfit, for part of the story she does get married to a prince that she doesn't really know. Ooo! I love how I did the background, I surprised myself a lot.

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