Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Reflecting on 2020


2021 is here! So we are going to take a look at 2020. The order of the pictures is from December 2020 - January 2020. Pretty much backward, it was supposed to go the other way, but it didn't. I haven't done too many funny comics like I did in 2019, and there are a ton of other pictures I've done but won't show for reasons. 

This year I do want to do more Youtube Videos and thinking about changing the name from K Productions 3.0 to Krissy Productions since I'm the only one doing this channel. The idea of making that channel was for my sisters and me to work together on it. But they haven't done so and it's not their fault, life is too busy for them and they are still amazing sisters.

It's weird to think that this comic was the first one I did in 2020.

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