Monday, February 18, 2019

A little delay because of Knee Sugery

I got my knee surgery done on February 12 and it has been the worst experience of pain I have ever dealt with.

Yes I had two pregnancy that end up with C-sections, but I feel like this has hurt more than that. They had to shave some of the bone of that knee cap a little for my knee cap shape was off. That's unpleasant to know, that wasn't part of the deal.

I had knee problems going up, ever since I was ten, I remember when it first happen. I was dancing in my backyard with my sister and I thought she poke it or something fort it slip out for a second. After that experience it would happen again at dance recitals, walking, sitting, doing the splits, and so forth.

When I was sixteen I was getting out of bed and the knee cap completely went out and it stayed. It usually would go back in but not this time. It hurt so bad, I didn't know what to do, I tried to straighten it, but it felt weird and hurt more I couldn't do it. I screamed for help and my mom came in the room and was trying to see how to get me to the hospital for she didn't know what to do. My hand finally pushed it back in. For my spiritual side I believe it was my spirit that did it for me since I couldn't do it. I was so relief when it went back in. But wasn't the end.

My knee has nothing holding my knee cap, they finally did a MRI scan to find that out and have two options, either wear a certain brace to hold it for the rest of my life or do surgery to fix the problem. I went with surgery for I didn't like the brace. Well now I don't like the surgery.

But its probably a good improvement, I'll probably won't dance again but will certainly do the daily things like walking. I was a dancer, it was something I wanted to be growing up. I started dance class when I was seven. I did gymnastics first when I was like four or five and quit at six for I didn't like it as much, but at least I learn how to do a cartwheel, and when I started doing dance classes I fell in love.

I did Ballet Jazz, and modern and some of my friends think Jazz is the best or hip hop, but honestly I loved ballet, when I started learning lyrical that was my second favorite. I really thought I was going to be a professional ballet dancer, for I would practice at home during movie time, in the kitchen in my bedroom, I never missed a day of class. Ok maybe a few but for good reasons like I was really sick.

When I was 15 I had to stop for my knee was getting worst, and it was getting to expensive the more higher class I went. I continue to dance on my own I started my own dance studio in my unfinished basement and that was my favorite job and got about ten kids. I only charged $10 dollars a month, that's like dirt cheap. But I was just a teen didn't know how to run a business so after three years of doing dance classes and did 6 performances kids stop coming to class, some moms were nice as others were not. If I could do it again now I would better at it, but I had to stop for I was going on a mission along with my knee still being a problem.

After years I was getting married and wanted a dance with all of my ten bridesmaids and 4 groom men's, well only half of the bridesmaids did it along with one of my groom men. I taught them the dance and it was so awesome on my wedding day, it was at first just me and my new hubby dancing and then close to the end of the song everyone jumped in and dance till the end. I wish I have a recording of it for it was the best thing ever on my wedding day.

But sadly that was the last time I danced.
This picture shows the affects of my knee destroying my ballet career. I could be rich going around the world dancing, it was something I love.

I have done one competition when I was in dance class and I won third place on my solo. I wasn't the greatest dancer but I loved doing it, you can ask my sisters and friends and they will tell you when we were kids I always made them dance with me, choregraphing was my special ability and something I love doing. Still do, if I can get this knee better I'll probably do Zumba as a exercise activity. Maybe.

But anyways the point of this post was to tell you that since my knee surgery I can't draw. Well I've been in so much pain that even watching TV doesn't help, I have been on this bed crying. I hope the pain will subside and I can get back on my desk to draw. 

I have found a way to draw in my bed and it seems to work, I'm using a portable dinner table thing to put my laptop on and then put the tablet on my lap. The only problem I have is moving it when I need to get up or when the baby cries and my hubby needs me to hold her, I don't have a place to put it, it takes up the bed. But I am trying for I am bored, the whole week all I did was watch YouTube and it got me bored to tears, so I need this to help me. I can't wait to clean the house and do laundry and even take a shower. I have taken a shower but I won't do it again until I'm better for that was so hard, I think it did more bad than good.

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