Friday, February 1, 2019

Januray National days

Ok so this week I took a break from drawing. It happens you need a break, but also I wasn't doing too well. I went to my knee doctor and discovered we are doing a knee surgery soon. I think I'll be ok, he said I can put weight on it when it's done but I'm sure it's gonna hurt.

I hope you guys are watching out my national day's, it's been great doing them and getting the chance to post them on the days they are meant to be posted.
January 28 was National Fun at Work Day, and I don't know exactly what this meant as in it's a day for everyone stop working and have fun, or try to have fun while working. Not sure but I feel like every job you work is work, just like how school is school, not much fun about it.

January 26 was Spouse day, besides celebrating with your spouse on Valentines day or our Anniversary there's an actual day for celebrating our spouses. We didn't do anything just said how much we love each other. The poem on the picture was a poem I sang to him on our wedding day, so it's not the whole poem just the chorus. 

January 24 was compliment day and peanut butter day, I wasn't sure how to do compliment day so I just did something that these sisters would do. They do love each other but they are siblings so they have to mean to each other, that's what siblings do right?

January 23 was Pie day and Handwriting day, besides the actual PI day that everyone knows there's a actual day for Pie's, I didn't eat a pie that day but maybe you did. Pies are not my thing, I prefer cheesecake. 

Handwriting day is a good reminder to us to remember to write with our hands and not always use technology to express our writing and drawing.

I don't know much about Martin Luther King, but I do know that he was a good man with faith, I really like this quote that I found by him.

National hug day was on the same day as Martin Luther King day, January 21. 
January 29, puzzle day. I don't like puzzles, I can solve puzzles in video games and such but doing a actual puzzle is something I can't do. I have siblings that would spend hours doing a puzzle and can finish them so fast. Each time I try to help I get so bored and just give up. 

 January 27 punch a clock day and chocolate cake day. Punch the clock is a work thing, and I don't know if people still do that kind of thing at work so I decided to take it literally. Ha, I find it so funny.
Chocolate cake...hmmmmmmmmmm.

January 31 was Inspire your heat with art day, and I enjoy looking at people art on Pinterest so if it's something you like to do I hope this picture has taken you somewhere where you have never been before.

January 28 bubble wrap day, I do like popping some bubble wrap it just so satisfying. 

January 18, it was someone birthday that created Winnie the Pooh, I just did a post about it and how I saw the recent movie about it. 

I just saw Wreck It Ralph 2 and I really enjoy it but have one complaint, first they should just win the car, for every game can restart so once they get the car win the money the game restarts and they have the car again, or is that not something? Besides that I really like the twists and turns and in the end ended with a really good message. 

Ok I hope this next coming up week will do more of my book, I have reach 100 pages and done 2 chapters and getting into chapter three. I'll probably have to do chapter four and five so I can finish this book with 200 pages. 200 pages seems a good amount for a book don't you think?

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