Sunday, May 31, 2020

Am I working or Am I hardly working

I am working, working so hard and hardly working! Ha, anyways yes I have been working each day. My life has it is right now has been tricky to be able to do the time to draw, but I got my schedule down, each day I have been getting up, exercising, feed my kids, get a shower, dress myself and my kids, put a movie on and then draw. I draw until lunchtime and then my baby takes a nap, and my office right now is in the same room where I and my kids sleep so I let her take a nap and I go somewhere else and do other things like cleaning, playing Zelda, and such. When she wakes up I work again, draw until flourish and take the rest of the day off. Taking my kids to the park, playing outside, something productive, and it's nice for I get at least one page of Sweet and Sour did and working on my next video.

In my next video, I am working on is called Crushes, it's going to be more like a poetic type of video and decided to color each picture. I haven't colored the background just the people and I am putting easter eggs in it, you may not know it now but in the future when my books (hopefully) get published and I make more than Sweet and Sour you will understand each man I draw in this video.

One of them is a Pirate captain name, captain Dragon Claw. I haven't drawn him for a while for I have been more focused working on Sweet and Sour so I did forget where his scares were supposed to be but I think I got it right. He is one of my favorite characters I have ever developed with my sisters, he is handsome and cool and awesome. He makes me want to start his story which is called Gaining Altitude, he is one of the main characters but it's mainly about triplets girls who get to save the world and he is part of it.

Dragon Claw

The triplets

I have so many stories I really want to get into, but I need to focus one at a time. And surprisingly I am doing so well right now, I have drawn one page each day this week, I am thinking about trying to do so pages a day but one is just enough for now. 

Where I live is just the basement of my parent's house (For personal reasons) and it's only temporary, the place I am planning to move too is building and once it's finished I will have my own room and a room for my kids so I can work on my book more, maybe try to do two pages a day. But who knows I might have to get a real job once I do move but we will see once it happens.

I am proud of myself to drawing pages in Sweet and Sour, I really want to fulfill my dream to finish books and get them published and just be a comic artist. An Illustrator? You know what I mean.

Chapter six is the first chapter in the second book of Sweet and Sour, I haven't finished it yet, this chapter is pretty long but it's the chapter that things happened, plan succeeded and doom upon the earth. I am also trying to make this series three books, I thought about it real hard and just feel like two books are not enough, so I am adding on to it that hasn't really changed the actual story if anything I should have thought about this certain chapter before for it shoes more about the bad guy and why she is plotting her plan. So I am excited to add this on and I think it should be enough to make it three books.

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