Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Youtuber Dream


So New year and decided to do a new name for my channel. It is now called Krissy's Media Productions, instead of K Productions 3.0. I changed it because it's basically just me doing this channel. I haven't done any new videos on it recently, but I still want to continue uploading new videos. 

When I created this channel, it was supposed to be posting comics that I and my sisters created, they're about Nonny Whitney and Tutu. 

These three characters are sisters, and since 2007 we made them up and drew comics about them. We would take turns, we each created our own character. Nonny is the stick girl with red curly hair, she has an anger problem, but also very strong and eats all the time. My younger sister created the smaller character with blond hair, she's the happy and perky one. Whitney, if you haven't guessed yet, Whitney is the middle height girl with brown hair that always looks annoyed, that's my character. She is usually always drinking a smoothie and doesn't care for life. She also has a lab, so she is a scientist of sorts. These three combined is so funny, we made so many comics together and they are fun to read.

I have tried to create some of the comics from the beginning, but not many people are reading them, so I decided to do something different and that is to make short comics and they still have their personality but it is more what people would like to read. 

I don't know if that made any sense, but here's my example. This is the first comic I have done.

This comic was one of our original made comics that we made years ago, and I still think it's funny but no one is reading them, so now I make them like this.

I feel like these comics could have more in common with most people, and that's why they are getting read. I enjoy making short comics, but I also want to continue making videos about the sisters. I have made a few episodes of them on my channel, but I mainly do stories about my life and use Whitney as my storytelling person. 

This to this.

So yeah, a lot of changes have been made since I started this channel. I do hope I can create better animations or make better videos for this channel and get more subscribers. I am pretty famous on Tiktok but I still have that Youtuber dream. 

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