Tuesday, January 19, 2021

My Music Dream

So I recently did this picture, it's a toy chess doll...thing. I just know that when I was a young girl someone in my family drew something like this and I remember liking it. My older sister then redrew it something like it and then I decided to draw it, the pencil-drawn picture is the original down below. I wanted to draw it on my computer but didn't get to it until recently. I wasn't sure how to color it, I kind of want to try doing it again but just have it be black and white cause I'm not sure if I even like the colors on it.

I have been a working machine, I have been drawing so much in Sweet and Sour that I'm on page 132. Getting so close to being done on it. I still haven't published the first book...I'm not sure when I'll get it published but you can still read its un-edited version here.

It took me two years to finish the first book, and the second book so far is taking me a year. But since I got so far already on the second book I might be done but summertime. As long as I keep doing what I'm doing. I try to do one page a day, but I also do take one day to do at least three pages.

    Besides that, I have not much to say besides I've also been busy working with my siblings on their Youtube channel that will be up and running. They have asked me to edit their videos and do some drawings. So this is what their channel art.
If you haven't guessed, the E and F stand for Ebb and Flow. They are my brother and sister my brother being Ebb and my sister being Flow. They are making a gaming channel, playing games, and talk as they do. My name in it is Poe, Poe the editor and art designer. But is it crazy that I'm happy to be this busy? For some reason when someone asks me to do something for them I'm thrilled to do it rather than do my own work for myself and me. I don't know what it is but I have been feeling motivated to do this editing thing for them. 

Now making videos is also my passion, my sisters and I use to make music videos all the time back in the day and I would edit them by using Windows Movie Maker, and my old parent's computer was hard to work with, but I still enjoyed it, I would stay up for hours working on a music video or any video. I think that's why I like Tik Tok so much, I enjoy making small videos and it's very easy to do it.

 I would love to get a video camera and make more videos, I have so many ideas for a music video for my own songs. Yeah, I do write songs as well if you don't know. I am not good at reading notes, no not at all, but I do like making music. It was something I developed since I was 13, I hated piano lessons, I did take them when I was eight but only lasted for two years. 

I have written over a hundred songs since then and am better at playing the piano, but know nothing about it, like what are major or minor keys and such. But making up songs was something that I enjoyed and hope to perform on stage with them, one day. Maybe, hopefully, I have a lot of dreams here. I have already posted a few of my songs on my youtube channel you can check them out here.

Hopefully, I can get a better recording studio or something besides my phone to record my songs and make more music videos for them.

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