Tuesday, April 13, 2021

High Adventure Music Video


OK, so something cool happened last week. 

My older sister has been telling me how she's been wanting to a music video to this song by Aladdin broadway version and I've never seen this musical before, (I've only seen the cartoon and real-life one) but never the broad way one.  For a few months she has been wanting to do a music video to that song and she and other siblings of mine have decided they are ok doing it, and I enjoy making music videos so I was totally cool with it, even though I have no idea what this song was. 

When the day came that we wanted to make this video I felt so unprepared for I didn't really listen to the song, and had a few months to listen to it, but I never really did! But in the end, it turns out really great! I played the part of Omar who is funny and I think it turned out perfect since I didn't know the song well I just acted dumb the whole time. It was fun, and it has been a long time since we have made a music video. We use to do them all the time growing up. 
You can check it out here.

So you know how I've been talking about Sweet and Sour book 2? 

You don't?


Well, I have been. I have finished the first book in 2019 and been working on the second book since. I am so close to getting it done!! So I have decided to get it done by the end of April! I have no idea if I can make it, but I feel like I should because once book 2 is done, then I can get book 3 going and then get this story done! 

It's a short story for sure, but I have enjoyed making this story. It could be a very long book if I wanted to, but I honestly want to get started on my other books that are my favorite. Sweet and Sour are still good, (at least I think so, maybe it isn't for others) but I didn't want to make it a long story, I originally just did it for practice because I had no idea how to draw on my Wacom tablet Stirling. Now that I do know how to use it, I want to be one of those authors or illustrators that published so many stories before she reached the age of 50. 

I am almost getting close to turning 30 and it freaks me out that I haven't published anything yet! 

It's my dream, my reason to live!

No, not really, I am still happy being a mom...most of the time.

Once Sweet and Sour book 2 is done, I will do a quick edit myself and then post it here, but want a better editor to look at it for I know that my grammar is terrible. Just terrible.  My English has never been the best, and I'm sure just by reading my blogs you would agree with me because I tend to not write very well. 

That's all I guess I'll have to say to this blog. So I'm just going to post random pictures that I have done in the past.

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