Hello, people of the world, I posted a video on tik tok that had over 20 thousand views, which was pretty good so I decided to share it on the Reels of Instagram, and never have I ever gotten so many likes or views or comments on Instagram before then I did with this video.
Hopefully, this video will work here.
It was more likes and comments than that, this is just when a moment happened. I could not believe it. It was so constant of notifications, I was trying to watch a show on my phone but every two seconds a notification would pop up saying someone likes my video I shared on reels and such. I was like, "Is this what it's like to be famous?" your phone was being blown up with notifications in seconds, for it was only seconds when I shared it when it was blowing up. It's pretty cool, kinda wish it was like that every time I post something on there, or anywhere else in that matter.
But honestly, the only reason why that video got so many views and likes is because of how the video I was reacting to was so good. So it really I am not famous because of my face, it's because of the other video.
But still, it's pretty cool that it happened.
I've been working on Sweet and Sour book one editing, my editor has finally edited the whole book and now I get to fix it, and then I can publish it! Hopefully. I found a way that I might be able to publish it, but I honestly have no idea what I'm doing, it might not even work and such, but either way I am pretty excited about it. Once I finish editing it and figure the publishing, I am going to work on editing on the second book and let my editor look over it for its best when someone else reads it, and maybe during all that I'll get to it to the third book. It's pretty cool to me, I really do hope I can do all the books I want to do before I turn 50, which is a long time away but time moves fast. My oldest is going to be in kindergarten this year! Holy crap!!
I have decided also to try to do my funny comics again, I just feel like I never know what to do each time I try to make one. But the other day I had an idea from the help of my sisters and just quickly got on my I pad and did it before I forgot it. It's about how your phone is your best frienemy, it's kinda true.

I have also been on fire! Been crazy busy working on Ebb and Flow Gamerz channel, I have done a video every week for the past four weeks, it's so great! I love each video I do, please go check out their channel and give it a like and subscribe, we have worked hard on each video. They are funny and fun to watch. Link here.

I enjoy making these videos, I really do hope they will become famous like I was for one hour. Haha.
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