Friday, February 24, 2023

I am Soaring Details

 Hello, people of the world! Krissy here with another blog post.

From my last post, I may have a tantrum about working part-time. After that post, I took a long hard look at myself, and even though it's hard, I can do it. I can work, do my art, be a mom, and accomplish my dreams. My current goal is to be an artist, go to art cons or fairs, display my work, make my work visible to everyone, and create my comics.

I've been making goals to make that happen. I know there will be days when it will feel impossible to do anything, for I suffer from severe anxiety and depression. But I also don't want that to stop me from achieving these goals. 

So, today I will explain my latest piece, I am Soaring. 

There's a music video that my sisters and I did clear back in 2010, and I watched it the other day and decided to repost it on Youtube; link here. I did nothing to the video itself but did draw the thumbnail. 

I did an excellent job with it. We did this music video on my 17th birthday, it was a lot of fun, and the music video itself makes no sense; it was just something silly we did. The song is Headlock by Imogen Heap; she was my favorite artist as a teen. If you don't know her, I recommend you find her songs on Youtube. She does fantastic work. But if you know her, I tried copying her look in this video. I adored her style back then; she had fun hair and a unique clothes style.

In the video, there's a part where I was jumping on the trap and saw myself soaring. While editing this video, I thought I looked so cool, and as I watched it again, I remember feeling that and wanting to create it in my art. 

Here's the video of my painting. 

One thing about doing this painting is that I loved the look. The more I played around with it, the more I fell in love with this painting. I don't know what it was, but it felt like magic, and I had a blast doing the picture. It only took me an hour and 37 minutes to do.

Still trying to figure out why, but here are a few reverse videos of my painting; I hope you enjoy it, and comment below if you like this painting or not. Thank you!

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Hello people of the world, Krissy here with another blog post.  Depression is a real and serious issue that affects many people. It can be d...