Thursday, April 27, 2023

Making Stickers

 Hello, people of the world! 

I have already shared about my Genshin Character paintings, but here is a video of my speed drawing. I restarted so many times because I just didn't like it. I tried my best and I'll probably get better over the years. But what do you think?

I also made a short video about me making stickers, and how I quit my job to do this. And yeah pretty much I did, I did work a job from 8-3:30 and then I had a job being a single mom for the rest of the time. If you have read or followed me you would know how I did struggle with my decision on how I decided to stop my job and focus on being a mom and on my art and I absolutely love it. 

True I am not making income, I am making a little but it's not stable. I hope it will one day it's just slow, but it is progressing each day. I do plan to get a job once my kids are in school, I just want to be with my kids more and not pay for daycare for that drained me each month.

People may never understand my decision, or what I did from 8-3:30 every day came home tired and exhausted to continue with my day. 

Making stickers was amazing! I don't have a cutting machine so I had to cut by hand. It hurt my hand after doing 50, but still easy. The stickers stick! I just got sticker pages from Walmart and printed my design on it and cut them out. 

Also in other news, I am going to do it! I am going to try selling my products outside of my home, I booked a spot for the 4 of July. I figured it will give me enough time to save up and get my inventory set up. I have never done this before, I kind of did it once before when I did it at Fan X in 2019. I did it with a friend and we did alright there. 
This was Fan X in 2019, we set it up like this, we as in me and my friend. We were there for three days and it was fun hope to do it again. 

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