Saturday, December 28, 2019

My Christmas Village (Plus Three Favorite Christmas Movies)

Merry Christmas everyone in Poisea! I made a video about a picture of a village, my Christmas Village. My mom always made a Christmas Village every year and it was exciting, she had a collection of little houses, people, trees, a giant Christmas tree and a lake that was a mirror. It was so exciting to see and she does it so perfectly. I was thinking about drawing it at the beginning of December and when I found someone else that painted a village on facebook it made me decide to do it right away. It took me an hour and a half to do and it took me two weeks to put together in a video. I was hoping to have it done by Christmas but it didn't happen, I post it after Christmas and that's ok.

In this village, I decided to put three of my favorite Christmas movies. I wanted people to guess in the comments what they are but since I only got five views and no one guessing I'll just tell you now what they are. If you look at the left house with the giant window there's a kid in there and that kid is supposed to be Kevin from Home Alone, he is wearing his red long sleeves shirt and has his gun ready to take down the bad guys. On the ice there's the Grinch and his dog Max ice skating, I love the Grinch the realistic one and the cartoon one, not the first cartoon one. I never liked it when I was a kid, I don't know why but I only watched it when my family was watching it. When they made the Grinch with Jim Carrey in it I fell in love with it and was skeptical with the new Grinch movie but when I watched it I also fell in love with it, so does my kid and so we watched it twenty times a day and I didn't care. 
The last movie I'll point out is very hard to see unless you watch the video, the video shows more details of it when you just see the picture it's so tiny and too hard to tell what it is. Right next to the church on the right side, there's a snow pile and on the snow, there's a Santa coat and boots, and that's suppose to represent Santa Clause. The Santa Clause movie, always enjoy that movie every year, the second one turns out good as the first one but the third one I didn't like it as much, I was not a fan of it, but still love the first one.

If you click here you can see where the Santa Clause suit is. 

This picture was easier than I thought. When I first thought of it I thought it was going to be tough, but as I started it wasn't so bad, really simple. The only thing that was hard was the lightening, I was trying to figure out how to make it look like night time but not like dark that you can't see it. It took me a few tries but I figure it out, I got where the light was on the moon and the dark night was in the village. I love it, I was so happy when I figured it out, I love how I figure out things on this program I am learning.

What're your favorite movies around Christmas time? I also like the Muppets Christmas Carol, I think that's the best Christmas Carol than any other Christmas Carol, sorry but that's what I think. Any other Christmas Carol movies I have seen Muppets nailed it.

Image result for home aloneHome Alone one and two and super good. Home Alone one was so good, such a clever idea, and Home Alone 2 was even better. The first one is still good but the second one was fantastic, it was like a great meal that you can still taste the flavor after months past. They did make a Home Alone three with different characters and such and it was good, I give it three stars. There's a fourth Home Alone that tried using the same characters from the first two movies but honestly, it wasn't good. There are good moments in it but it just didn't give me that good meal like the first two did.

Image result for GrinchImage result for GrinchThe Grinch I already explained how much I love these movies, I enjoy these movies a lot. Five stars!

Image result for santa clause  1This movie is super good too, but what I don't get is the Santa Clause that fell off the roof, did anyone care about him? Was he not as important as the next guy was? Did he have a wife? There are questions that aren't explained.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

It's all about the EYES

So how do you draw eyes? And how do you draw Anime eyes? hmm?? what's the difference between the two?? The video right here tells you all about it, if you are interested in drawing anime eyes I would suggest that you learn how to draw realistic eyes first.
The reason why I say that is because you must know the real stuff first before jumping into other crap like cartoons or anime. Another reason why I say that cause it's like learning the banjo, typically you need to learn how to play the guitar first and then you can play the banjo, and maybe it's not the case for everyone but that's how I was told how it goes. Everyone that plays the banjo can play the guitar, but not everyone that plays the guitar plays the banjo.

When I learn how to draw I was terrible at first but tried my best to keep practicing. When I learn about anime I wanted to learn how to do that but still learn how to draw normal people, for it helps my skills to draw anime. Unlike someone else, I know (more than one and will not name) can draw realistic to save their life but can draw anime pretty well. But I feel like that's not a true artist.

In my art class in high school, we had to draw ourselves in five years from now, and I did mine fantastic, cause I knew how to draw myself, my face, the body, hair, etc. But the person I know that can draw anime could not do it, she struggled to figure out how to do the eyes, the nose, the portion of the face and body and etc.  She struggled so hard with it that she just drew herself as an anime character. The teacher was ok with it but it made me feel like I can do more than that person and wish that person can learn how to do it so something like this won't be a problem.

Some people have stronger talent in different categories in art, some are better at drawing animals while others are really good at drawing clothes, people, painting food, landscapes, etc. I personally am drawing people, I really enjoy drawing people but do have to learn how to draw other things like how a landscapes works and what certain animals look like and how I learn is by studying it, sketching it, drawing over and over and over again. It gets easier each time I do it again, and if you haven't noticed when I started to paint on my medibang I was terrible, wasn't sure what I was doing, but the more I learn ad the more I did it boom it's become something I really enjoy and good at.

Now I did make a video on how to draw eyes, but it's mainly about anime eyes, different styles and such. I am planning to do another video about eyes but a different way, I want to prove that you can draw so many different styles of eyes realistic way and that a good idea or am I just being a fool.
The camera is flipped which is annoying when that happens but you get the point.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

How I met my Hubby Full Depth

That's when we first held hands, our thrid kiss, getting married in the temple, and my bouquet was the most beautiful bouget of flowers I ever had, and still have it, it's very wilted but still has a special place in my heart for that day. This blog post is all about how I met my hubby, but I also want to show my vlog #2 about how I am doing with my books. Still in the process slowly, I hope I will get more done.

I made another video that I didn't mention in the blog video, about how I met my hubby. I decided to do this story for I found the story funny, each time someone askes me how I met him or how we got together I always tell them that I "married" his younger brother first and I get confused looks each time. 
I was fun looking back in my past and drawing them, I thought it would be fun to do a erase to the pictures of the story I'm telling would be fun, unlike the spider vs me story I drew as I told the story, this I drew the pictures already and just put a layer on top of the other layers and erased it while recording. Much different than any other videos I've done but I think it's cool.

I never thought I would marry his brother, (never say never). My friends would laugh at the thought if I would actually marry his younger brother. I laughed about it too, for the moment we pretend to get married was so much fun, even though my best friend was angry and was turning purple I was laughing the whole time. At the kiss part I just hugged him didn't expect anything but he bends me over and stages kissed me. My face turned to beat red. 

My first kiss was sorta was with his younger brother, but it wasn't really a kiss since he was really kissing his thumb, but my first actual kiss was nothing like that, I was dumbfounded disappointed, it wasn't magical as I thought it would be for years. But it's ok now, I enjoy kissing my hubby now, it's the best!

 This picture I want to explain how our timeline went, the left top corning is the time when we first held hands, we were in an area of trees and grass and that's when we first held hands. We weren't boyfriend or girlfriend at that time we were still getting to know each other, but that same day we did get into a terrible car wreck. We are not sure how or who's fault it was, I claimed I run a red light but others say I didn't, either way I felt guilty. But after that car wreck he was texting me like crazy, (finally). Before he asked me out but weeks I heard nothing from him, nothing. I would try to text him or call him but heard nothing from him. We were out for a walk for that day only because I forced him to come to do errands to get to know him, for who asks you out and then hear nothing after that. That's not the way to go to men! Anyways, I didn't put the car wreck in there because I figure maybe another time, I might make a video about how I got my first boyfriend or something like that you know.
This is the house that I grew up, born and raised until I was 14, that's when things changed. My parents got an idea to move to an area that was growing with some population and figure out a way to do it so they don't have to pay a mortgage anymore. I hated it, I absolutely didn't like it, I missed the old house all the time, I missed the green, my huge back yard, the space, apparently, the desert home is bigger than my old home but it sure didn't feel like it to me cause I felt very cramped, we couldn't get a tall Christmas tree anymore, only tiny ones, and that all upset me at the time.

But as time went by, I actually starting to like it, I would like to live there again, I grown to love the area and it's changing, so much more houses and business are building there and I think it would be cool to live there with all that there. 

When I went to my new school I actually liked it, my old school I felt like all the teachers were mean and I would get terrible stomach achs because I was so nervous about going to school. but with the new school, they had a different program that helped me and the teachers were even nicer and tried to help me. And that's where I met my best friend who is successful in publishing her books, she got into drawing books like me when she met me. We were in the same choir class and met other people and one of them was the future hubby that I didn't know at the time, all I remember how he would talk to us and got to know about him and his younger brother. I literally thought they were twins for a while.
But people thought my younger sister and I were twins as well, I don't see it but others think so. 

When I was in junior year high school that's when my future hubby younger brother came to high school and we became good friends. My best friend always tried to get me to get a boyfriend, she was always getting boyfriends it was easy for her, but for me, I didn't really want one. Like I want one but didn't want to bother while I was at school, rather wait until later. So when she saw me and my future younger brother flirting she didn't like it for she thinks he is way too young for me. So we kept it going, just to get her mad. My other friends found it funny and think we should get married, so he got a cheap ring from a vending machine thing and when he proposed my best friend freaked and then all of sudden my friends got around and started the ceremony. My best friend was clenching her teeth in anger as this went on. 

In my senior year, I got the chance to be in the same class as my future hubby was, finical class, (and honestly they should talking to us about taxes, I didn't know it was a thing until later in life). But anyway, when we were in a group project I was working on the project while he and she was talking and I remember looking at him, he was talking about how his birth dad was in jail and such, and I even remember what he was wearing and everything, I said: "He will Probably Never marry me".

I remember saying that to myself, for sure I want to get married sometime in the future and thought he would not like me for who I was, I was a shy girl and emotional wreck. But it turns out he is open to that and was very helpful. What I love about him that he doesn't care how I look, he loves me who I am and wants to be with me. I think that's what made me fall in love with him, for I didn't think any guy would like me if I didn't look right. 

Before I got the chance to meet him again, I was working on my stories, babysitting and served a mission. When I came back I was ready to date guys and get a boyfriend when nothing happened for a few months I was getting discouraged, I prayed before institute that I would find someone to date, for I was trying, I was talking to boys, (I WAS TALKING TO BOYS, that never happens). I was trying, getting out of my comfort zone and such but nothing was happening, not until I found my future hubby that night.

Well, what's funny I thought that he was brother that I married in high school, so I had to go up to him and ask, he told me that he was the older brother and how his younger brother was on his mission, I asked if  I could write to him and he asked me for my number so he can text it to me. He didn't get it to me, instead, he asked me out. My prayer was answered but I didn't expect it. 

Oh, I have to mention, since middle school, he has never stopped growing. He has gotten so tall, I was shocked. 

My wedding day was the most perfect day for me, everything went perfect. I was the happiest person alive that day, if I could rewind a day for a day it would be that day. I am very happy to be married to him. Sure we did face challenges but who doesn't in a marriage? We are still together happily together with two kids. Hoping for more. 

One thing about this video I think I didn't do was focus on my hubby, it was mainly about other things, yes it shows how I got to know him and married him but that's really it. I think when I do another one I should have him be more contribute. But also the main message in this video is that Never say Never. For I said that and didn't turn out to be that, in fact, he is the man I married that I said he never would. Don't forget that.

Monday, December 2, 2019

My Love for Videos Games but Not Ranch In Fruited Cereal

Who likes video games? Me!! I love video games, I enjoy playing and watching others play them, my favorite is Markipiar, my second favorite is Denis Daily. They both are very different gamers but I enjoy watching them play games.

I love playing Zelda and Skyrim, I heard that the switch has both and so it would be so cool if I could get the switch and play both. I also enjoyed Ni No Kumi, Okami, and such, I have played Shadow of the Colossus, that game freaked me out it did take me a while to fight each monster and my controller wasn't the greatest for I felt like I couldn't control the game very well.

Little Big Planet is a good one, I enjoyed playing that with my siblings for we make it so much fun. Mario is ok, I enjoyed the Mario Nintendo 64 game, and Mario Super Sunshine, but besides that, I could care less. Like the galaxy's ones, I tried playing them but couldn't. I enjoy playing the Mario Party and super smash brothers with my siblings as well, and I think that's all the games I really played that I can remember. (there's more of course, like Just Dance on the X-box and etc.)

Denis Daily does a lot of Roblox and it has got me curious about it, but I heard people like Minecraft better so what do you prefer, what's your vote, Roblox or Minecraft? Hmm... I don't have any PlayStations only get to play when I'm over at my parent's home, and that's like hardly ever maybe ever so often but the point is I do want to play something.

I am still working on my books, but I do get burnt out and not working a part-time job I just get so bored, even drawing sounds boring and can't bring myself to do it. Do you know what I mean? Does anyone else get that?

I have started my new channel, Flanngy's Channel, I did my first post and I feel so awkward in it, I don't know how to do a vlog, hopefully, in the future, I will it down and won't be awkward.

I have been doing a lot of tik tok videos, you should totally follow me on it, it's K Productions flanngy, you can find it on my Instagram that's K Productions 3.0_flanngy I have posted a lot, but I did post one on my new channel about me eating ranch in my cereal and I don't recommend on this to anyone, that flavor was so bad. 

I am really not sure how or why the camera decided to shake like that, we were both very puzzled why it turned out like that. But I wasn't going to do it again that was straight up horrible. I asked my hubby why he had the ranch out when he's eating cereal and he replied how he loves ranch which I knew that that guy is a ranch eating monster but in cereal? No, I don't think so. I regretted this decision.
It's the weirdest combination I have ever tasted, it didn't go well. I like dipping chips into milk, but only plain potato chips, no flavor. I don't know why I just like the taste of it and also like drinking the milk after I'm done with the chips it has the same chips taste. I also use to eat cat food when I was a kid, my parents didn't like it but I would grab a handful and eat it secretly for it tasted good and like the crunch of it.

What is your weird food thing? What do you like to eat that no one else does? My family does eat peanut butter and mayonnaise with pickles sandwiches. I can eat them but not my go-to sandwich. I know a lot of people disagree with that sandwich, but it really isn't bad. 

So I posted these for they are food-related pictures, but as I was I realized that I stopped this around June'ish. I'm not sure why I just felt like too much is on my plate, but it was fun when I did these national days. Now that  New Year is coming again I would probably post these again for next year and hope to do more. I made a goal this year to do most of the National Days but with my book, I'm working on, I just kind of space it.

What do you think? Do you think I should do more and continue on this? Or do you not care? 
I don't get when I ask a question I get no response, like when I posted my french fries picture I asked specifically which one do you prefer to vote in the comments and I got nothing. I got like 200 followers I should at least get one reply.
Which one do you prefer Curly Fries or French Fries that are straight not curly? I would go for any fry but really enjoy those curly fries if they're cooked right. There have been times when they aren't.

The Struggle is Real

Hello people of the world, Krissy here with another blog post.  Depression is a real and serious issue that affects many people. It can be d...