Monday, December 2, 2019

My Love for Videos Games but Not Ranch In Fruited Cereal

Who likes video games? Me!! I love video games, I enjoy playing and watching others play them, my favorite is Markipiar, my second favorite is Denis Daily. They both are very different gamers but I enjoy watching them play games.

I love playing Zelda and Skyrim, I heard that the switch has both and so it would be so cool if I could get the switch and play both. I also enjoyed Ni No Kumi, Okami, and such, I have played Shadow of the Colossus, that game freaked me out it did take me a while to fight each monster and my controller wasn't the greatest for I felt like I couldn't control the game very well.

Little Big Planet is a good one, I enjoyed playing that with my siblings for we make it so much fun. Mario is ok, I enjoyed the Mario Nintendo 64 game, and Mario Super Sunshine, but besides that, I could care less. Like the galaxy's ones, I tried playing them but couldn't. I enjoy playing the Mario Party and super smash brothers with my siblings as well, and I think that's all the games I really played that I can remember. (there's more of course, like Just Dance on the X-box and etc.)

Denis Daily does a lot of Roblox and it has got me curious about it, but I heard people like Minecraft better so what do you prefer, what's your vote, Roblox or Minecraft? Hmm... I don't have any PlayStations only get to play when I'm over at my parent's home, and that's like hardly ever maybe ever so often but the point is I do want to play something.

I am still working on my books, but I do get burnt out and not working a part-time job I just get so bored, even drawing sounds boring and can't bring myself to do it. Do you know what I mean? Does anyone else get that?

I have started my new channel, Flanngy's Channel, I did my first post and I feel so awkward in it, I don't know how to do a vlog, hopefully, in the future, I will it down and won't be awkward.

I have been doing a lot of tik tok videos, you should totally follow me on it, it's K Productions flanngy, you can find it on my Instagram that's K Productions 3.0_flanngy I have posted a lot, but I did post one on my new channel about me eating ranch in my cereal and I don't recommend on this to anyone, that flavor was so bad. 

I am really not sure how or why the camera decided to shake like that, we were both very puzzled why it turned out like that. But I wasn't going to do it again that was straight up horrible. I asked my hubby why he had the ranch out when he's eating cereal and he replied how he loves ranch which I knew that that guy is a ranch eating monster but in cereal? No, I don't think so. I regretted this decision.
It's the weirdest combination I have ever tasted, it didn't go well. I like dipping chips into milk, but only plain potato chips, no flavor. I don't know why I just like the taste of it and also like drinking the milk after I'm done with the chips it has the same chips taste. I also use to eat cat food when I was a kid, my parents didn't like it but I would grab a handful and eat it secretly for it tasted good and like the crunch of it.

What is your weird food thing? What do you like to eat that no one else does? My family does eat peanut butter and mayonnaise with pickles sandwiches. I can eat them but not my go-to sandwich. I know a lot of people disagree with that sandwich, but it really isn't bad. 

So I posted these for they are food-related pictures, but as I was I realized that I stopped this around June'ish. I'm not sure why I just felt like too much is on my plate, but it was fun when I did these national days. Now that  New Year is coming again I would probably post these again for next year and hope to do more. I made a goal this year to do most of the National Days but with my book, I'm working on, I just kind of space it.

What do you think? Do you think I should do more and continue on this? Or do you not care? 
I don't get when I ask a question I get no response, like when I posted my french fries picture I asked specifically which one do you prefer to vote in the comments and I got nothing. I got like 200 followers I should at least get one reply.
Which one do you prefer Curly Fries or French Fries that are straight not curly? I would go for any fry but really enjoy those curly fries if they're cooked right. There have been times when they aren't.

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