Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Comic's Explaination

2021 is coming and everyone on Facebook (At least on my Facebook,) are asking to see terms and conditions for 2021 before signing anything and I find it funny but also, we can't stop 2021 from coming either way. It is coming and there's nothing we can do. So I made a comic about it.

Someone gave me an idea about how anxiety gives them anxiety about remembering things like their kid's doctor appointment and such, it gave me this anxiety comic.

Covid has really given me paranoia, after Thanksgiving, I discovered that my sister got test positive for Covid and I was with her on thanksgiving day. I got myself tested and it gave negative, but then shortly afterward I find out that another sister was tested positive. So I got tested for covid again! Both times came back negative but it did give me paranoia that maybe I did get it. I was cautious about how I was feeling, did I had a fever, why was I coughing, were my taste buds ok, etc. So it also gave me another idea for a comic.

One time my sister and I were shopping for groceries, and as we were going to our car my sister saw a gift card on the floor outside by the parking lot. She was telling me about it as we got in our car driving home and was saying how what if she took it, but then it would be useless unless someone actually put money in it. Then she had this idea of what if a dumb robber was stealing gift cards and his boss was so upset with him. That gave me the idea for this next comic.

I have been working on Sweet and Sour all week long last week, this week is Christmas week so I am taking a small break because last week I did do three pages each day. Three pages yes!! It was so hard but I did it, and will probably keep trying to do that for the next week or so, for I want to get this second book done. I am on page 116, just over halfway done with the second book. I want to get this book done so I get into Flower in the Dust, Flower in the Dust is going to be about ten books long (If my math is correct it could be longer). I have started on the book but can't focus on it until Sweet and Sour is done because Sweet and Sour is still a great book and just want it to be my first success.

I drew the main character in her bird outfit, for part of the story she does get married to a prince that she doesn't really know. Ooo! I love how I did the background, I surprised myself a lot.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

My first time EVER, something is PUBLISHED, with MY ART!!


Hello, people from Posia! 

So big, big, news, I have created my first-ever children's book! Well as in illustrating it. Someone that knows my sister asked her to do it and I got a little jealous of it, but then she asked me to do it for she was too busy and I was so excited! 

The author told me the deadline and said he likes my work, and it was so easy peasy! Usually, when you have to work for others they want a certain way, and it can be so frustrating, but this guy was so chill and seem to like the work that he asked me to do another one!

I would have talked about this children's book sooner but I was afraid for I wasn't sure if I was allowed to or something, but he sent me copies of the book and I was overly thrilled! For this is the first time ever has one of my creations been published. And I'm doing another one for him, he asked me to do another book, and that I jumped right into it already.

I have no idea where you can get this book...I already had a few people ask me where they can buy and I have no idea. It's not on amazon, when I asked the Author he just asked to email him for more copies so...I'm sorry I got nothing. But it is so exciting to me, I'll share a few pictures from it.

This children's book is mainly about how things are, it doesn't really have a plot or a story, it just random stuff that maybe kids notice or something. Like the tree, the boy says "I like the color blue,"  the darkroom with a yellow light was just, "Light shines in Darkrooms," or something like that. The author just asked me to be creative on each page of the book and I tried to be but there were a few pages where I wasn't so sure what to do. 

It is really exciting to me that I have accomplished something like this and doing another one for him, I do want to continue on doing something like this for the rest of my life for I like it too much! Getting paid to do children's books or even doing my own books I can be living the dream. 

A little update of Sweet and Sour, I am still working on it being edited. I got another person I know to edit for me but they are taking their time on it, which is fine I don't have a deadline on it, but as soon as they get it edited then will I figure out a way to publish it. I might have figured out some way to do it through Amazon but we will see if it work.

If you don't know Sweet or Sour, you can read it here.

It took me two years to finish the first book of Sweet and Sour, and now that I'm working on the second book, I'm on page 98 and it has taken me a year to do it this far. Oh boy, if I want to make like a hundred books then I have to pick up the pace. 

I have said also in my past posts that I was only going to do two books of sweet and sour, for it was just meant to be a short story, but I feel like two books are too short, so I am making three. 

Here's a little bit of Sweet and Sour 2

I do have to say that the second book is more intense to draw or read, for something big happens and it is a matter of "what will they do to fix it," kind of thing. It has a great message about the agency and why we need it. This book is good and happy with how I am doing it, but I am also ready to do my other books as well.

I have mentioned before how I can't focus on one book for too long, whenever I draw one book I always need some kind of break from it. I don't know why that is but it just is, so I have started other books.

There was one book that I was hoping to get going and finish, it's a story by my friend that asked me to draw for her, but as I was doing it she was happy with the way it looks but then asked me to stop and that maybe I should focus on my other books that are better than hers, (She said that not me). So even though I have gotten far on my friend book, I have started on another book that's called Flower in the Dust.

Now maybe in my next post, I'll explain more about it, but I just did the cover page for the book already and I absolutely love it!  What do you think?

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Some of My Fan Art


Hello, people in Poisea! Flanngy here for another blog post!

I totally love doing blogs, I just don't do it often...like at all, but anyway here's another post about something to do with my art.

In my last post, I explained how much I have done this year, and one of them is that I've been doing a lot of Tik-Tok. I found a lot of great artists on Tik-Tok, and I like to show off my art a few times too, it's fun. But I also find people doing the "Draw it in Your Style" kind of thing, and I have done it a few times and tried to do more but I just can't seem to find the time to do so.
This is Earth Girl, the original artist that asked to do it in your style was a lot different than this. She was Blue and green all over her body, clouds covering certain areas, and her hair was blue. I am not the kind of person that likes to draw or show off immodesty, but I loved the idea.

Her hair is supposed to be water as her body is earthy, and she is surrounded by space. I love how I did it, and I hope you think so too.

When Halloween was around town, I found a challenge for Pumpkin witch. The hat actually didn't turn out as I wanted it to, but I was in a hurry and couldn't really perfect it as much but it still looks good.

I've been showing off more of my art lately on Tik-Tok, which usually I don't for I rather just act-react some of the stuff they do on there. But this month of November I found another challenge that asks you to do art each day of November, even just drawing a line counts, so I've been doing that each day and sometimes I forget and do it at the last second, but I do feel like now that's all I want to do is create art and showing it off on Tik-Tok, not just on my blogs. 

One person asked if I was a teacher for in one of my Tik-Tok videos you can see all of my art stuff and desk and such, I'm not a teacher but a comic art momma that is trying her best to fulfill her dream and be a momma at the same time.

If no one heard or knew about it, the new game Hyrule Warriors is out and I like it so much better than the first game. This Hyrule warrior takes place before the Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild. Which is also a really great game. I made my own ending to that game for I was a little disappointed how it ended and hope the next Zelda game they will make will be more about Link and Zelda.

I did two parts videos on Tik-Tok with this Zelda comic, and I didn't get many likes, views, or comments, but it was still fun to do, and maybe I'll do another Zelda Fanart.

I have made a lot of fan art. Last year at Fan-X I have created so much art for it. My friend and I worked together on it. She would draw them and I would color, and then split the money after it was all done. 

After Fan-X was over, I was expired to do more fanart and I did a theme all month October last year to post art on Youtube every week, and it was tiring but I did it and got...zero likes and subscribers. Ha. 

Princess Mononoke, this was the first Fanart I did for Fan-X last year, and I can see so many problems with this picture. I didn't know how to color it once my prince sent it over to me. She already had details like the leaves, that cliff, and the sky. So it was tricky to color around that.

At Fan-X this picture of Sailor Moon was the popular picture sold.

I drew and colored this from a series called Death Note, a wonderful friend introduce me to this show and I deeply liked L. That's his code name, L, and spoiler alert, he dies, so sad!

I drew and colored this it's from an Anime series called Princess Tutu, it is my favorite anime because of the story and the fact there is ballet in it. I grew up dancing ballet so it is one of the things I loved doing, I can't do it anymore because of my knee.

I drew and colored this, she is my favorite character from Demon Slayer.

I colored this. Pharoh used to be in my dreams. (Yugi's other person, I don't remember his name it's been a long time.)

Ug, this is supposed to be Ariana Grande. For last year while doing a picture each week of October I wanted to do one of my favorite singers Ariana Grande, there are three reasons why I like her. One, I think she has a really good voice but that doesn't mean I listen to her music that often. Two, I actually love her hairstyle. And three, she knows and loves Imogen Heap, who I know and love and adore.

Sia, I listen to her music all the time.

I've been rewatching Once upon a time and still love the show.

The new series of Fruit Basket is pretty good. They are following the book more closely and much more serious than the last series they did. I do like Fruit Basket and can't wait for the next season.

That's just a little bit of Fanart, for now, the reason also why I want to make more fanart is because while I was at Fan-X last year, there was a guy right across from our table and his booth was filled with art. All kinds of fan art that he has done and there were so many! he had a tall thing that was like 20 feet high and it had a lot of his art on it. It was so amazing and I want to do something like that, but I don't know, at the same time...I might not go back to Fan-X. Only because it does cost a lot to get a table there.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

My success this Year of 2020

 Ok, so this year is coming up to an end, and I didn't do all of my new year's resolution. I have been doing good keeping up my eating habit and such, but as far as going with my Youtube videos and posting blog posts and drawing more...not so much.

I only made to page 88 of Sweeet and Sour book 2, and the first book is still not published and working on being edit and such. 

I looked up how long it takes for other artists to do a comic book and it said 6-8 months! My first book took me almost three years to do, and yeah sure a lot has happened, I was being a mom and figuring out how to use my tablet, but I really thought I can do better with my next book but so far it hasn't. 

But I shouldn't get too hard on myself for one, this year really sucked, 2020 was really the year to suck, I was going through a lot with my personal life, I don't want to go into details about it now but maybe sometime in the future.

My comics were very small this year, I tried making more, and these two are the only ones I really made...

I know that 2020 wasn't the best year, so much has happened and people on Facebook are asking to read the terms and conditions for 2021, but honestly, it's coming no matter what, so yeah that's where the idea came from.

Last year I was making a lot more silly comics with Nonny Whitney and Tutu, but this year I wasn't on top of it. I did make a few about the Coronavirus, but that's about it. 

As goes for Youtube, I think I only made two videos. The Mother Hood 2, and Crushes, wow. I tried doing vlog videos but that also sunk. I just don't know how to make vlog videos. I get so nervous talking to a camera about...whatever, I don't like it. I don't know if I can keep up with Youtube, it's still a dream of mine to be a Youtuber, my new favorite Youtuber is Alex Myer, he does animations but does commentary on movies and shows I really enjoy watching them. He is so funny. 

But one thing that has happened to me this year that was good and I worked on very hard is Tiktok. Yes, Tiktok. I started doing Tiktok videos last year in September when I was getting to my lowest points, Tiktok helped me get through my days. I was making videos like crazy, I enjoyed doing whatever with the app, I didn't care for popularity I just liked what the app had and made it so fun.

When my personal life became crazy at the beginning of this year I took a break, only had like 100 followers and that's fine I didn't even think I would get any followers. But after a while, I started doing TikTok again, and from the moment I posted that video, (it was a video of Spongebob sound telling Patrick how to open a jar,) BOOM! already got so many followers and likes like never before. That was such a wow moment for me that I continued making videos.

During October month I tried dressing up doing a little cosplay kind of thing for the spirit of Halloween. I dressed up as a pumpkin, Zelda, a Vampire, Hello Kitty, a Witch, and did 2020 Doll. It was my own creation to dress up as like a 2020 doll, a doll for 2020, I looked pretty yet scary, has one fang tooth, put toilet paper in my hair, it was fun, I did enjoy dressing up and making a lot of Tiktoks.
2020 Doll.
Sorry, you can't see the toilet paper in my hair.

I made it to 1000 followers, and I couldn't believe it. My goal is to make it to 10,000 followers now, cause I'm like getting there, and I still enjoy making Tiktoks. Like a lot. I make a bunch of Tiktoks whenever I can and then post only a few a day, two in the morning, and two at night. I got one video that has made 11.06K views, wow! But most of the time my videos only get viewed 100. Sometimes even less, it's odd but it's ok, I am still happy with how many followers I have. 

On my Youtube channel I still only have 20 subscribers... well, I still continue to try for I am working on another video and maybe I can be better at doing vlog videos...I don't really know. 

But as a celebration for my 1000 followers, I drew a picture.
This picture is supposed to be me using the koala bear girl filter, I use it a lot, mainly when I don't feel pretty I use it. But yeah, it has the Tiktok logo in the back and my double chin. Cause I also like to show off my double chin and my unsuccessful cross-eyes. I can't really cross my eyes but try my best. 
But yeah thank you for whoever is following me on Tiktok, it has given me another purpose to succeed in life and wants to continue with it, you can definitely check me out at it @flanngy_kproductions. 

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Summer Wave of Art


When I notice how I haven't made a comic in a while...I decided to make one, it's been too long. I have lost my touch figuring out comics so as I started this comic it was supposed to be something completely different but, as I was doing it this idea came out and I like it much better. It just really came to me and I asked my sisters for advice and grammar check and my older sister has asked if she said, "You said not to pretend, I wasn't pretending!" at the end, before it said, "I was just kidding! Mistakes were made," but I like it better the other way. 

I have been working on Sweet and Sour 2, even though the first book is still not out there yet. I have a way to possibly get it published but I just want to make sure that the grammar is correct, so I had my friend read it and now my sister is reading it since I don't have an editor I'm doing my best here. I haven't done a vlog video, for I never know what to do or say in them, but I am working on other animations. I don't know if I should spoil what it is for I want it to be surprised, but I will say that the title is called "Death By Peanut," hmm?

I am also working on another project, I have been diligently working on for a few weeks now and it's not my book. I have been hired to work on a children's book for someone else, I am not sharing details about it for I don't think I can, but I do want to say that I was very happy to do it. It was originally given to a relative of mine, but she has too much on her plate so she asked if I can take it, I gave the guy a few of my examples and he liked it so I was given this task and going to get paid. YAY! My first thing ever as an artist! Besides Fan X, last year I was at Fan X with my friend selling art and it went ok, didn't make very much but it was great being there.

Summer is almost over and it's always a birthday wave for me and my family, in August we had birthdays every week, and I was asked to make some of the party invitations. Besides everything else I was trying to draw, I made time to draw birthday parties invitations for my family. I am not going to share them exactly but I will share that I drew my daughter and her cousin's birthday party theme wear. It was a mini mouse theme party, and on the cake, they had this picture below on it! Isn't that the cutest! it was a great party and so happy that everyone likes my art.

I keep getting requests which can be hard but I manage. I had a request for myself as well, haha. I decided to draw all of my family members and their families as a family portrait. I won't share my whole family but I will share mine. My family right below. Me and my two kids, the beginning of this year was messed up, and not only because of everything else that was happening this year, but for me personally I had a decision to make and it was part of the reason why I stopped drawing for a while. It is personal and not ready to share it, but I do love my kids and want to be there for them no matter.

And lately all summer long I've been doing this chapter, chapter six. Today I realized that I finally got to the end of it and finally on Chapter seven. I didn't do the one page a day at all, I only got to it when I can and it shouldn't take that long but also this chapter was hard to do because there are complicated scenes in it. It's full of action. Fighting, arguing, and such so I was dreaded on it.

The Struggle is Real

Hello people of the world, Krissy here with another blog post.  Depression is a real and serious issue that affects many people. It can be d...