Tuesday, February 18, 2020

First few Chapters of Sweet and Sour

I have finished book one of Sweet and Sour since November 2019, and I've been working on the second one but now stuck for I feel like I should make it three books so I'm trying to figure that out. I want to really focus on other books this book was really only a test trial for I didn't know how to use a tablet or the program, it was all new to me. Now that I've mastered it I want to get into my stories that are great and fun to read.

Sweet and Sour is fun, don't get me wrong, but I made it short for reasons I just explained. I still want this book to be out so I can accomplish at least one book but I would like to see what you guys think. This book is about good vs bad, how angels and devils work in the mortal world, how they can influence people to do good or bad. Now a girl that was already dead manage to go back to the mortal world and lost all of her memories and a man name Izumi has to take care of her.

He has a sour attitude about it and it is funny how she acts around him, for his ex-girlfriend gets jealous and wants her away from Izumi. Drama! The girl twin sister Lark tries to find her memories before the time limit is up, but what people don't know is...someone is betraying. 

I have here the first few chapters of what I've done and got someone to help me with the editing. And please tell me your thoughts and opinions I would like to hear them, I 'll post more chapters and still figure out how to make it into three books.


 Chapter one Angel Loses Memories

Chapter 2

I do enjoy doing this story don't get me wrong, I have developed a lot of the characters and the story and made the story that is has a very powerful message about the good and the bad, we need to learn from the bad to understand what good is. Even though we really do go through so much in life, (I know I have) we learn what makes up happy and it helps us enjoy life.

I am going to do only two-book series for I'm pretty sure that's how it's going to be, probably will be the shortest manga I'll do but I have many others that will be more.

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