Friday, January 17, 2020

I haven't fallen in love With my own fictional Character, NO I haven't

Oh my goodness this vlog took forever to do. For the past few weeks I kept telling myself that I need to record a vlog, I need to update a video, I need to do my vlog!! I wanted to do a vlog every week but things got in the way like New Year and the sickness. The SICKNESS! I was miserable, if you don't know anything about it you can check out the last post of my blog, I already blogged it out and said stuff about it on my video down below.

I think I did a good job at the thumbnail, sure the body is off for I did make the head bigger and didn't blend it very well, but I think it's cute and maybe I need to do more of that kind of thing for if you see what I did with vlog number 1 and 2 it's just the same picture just different feature.

I have worked so hard this whole week, I have done so well this week. I get up to feed my kids, clean the house if needed, sit down and work. Feed the kids lunch, put down for naps sit down and work. Feed the kids dinner, clean the house if needed, dishes, vacuum, laundry, put away toys, work some more if needed too or just relax get the kids to bed and go to bed. I did that every day this week and I have accomplished so much but right now I'm losing it. My mind is going nuts, I need to get out, I need a date my hubby or just go out somewhere besides my home.

It is so hard to be stuck at home with kids and working on my books. I know that when I was working a job it was harder to draw my book for when I get home I am exhausted and just want to rest. Now that I don't have a job it is easier to work on my book but harder to get out of the house.

I'm on the fence again if I should find a job or not. It was nice to have a job so it gets me out of the house, but at the same time, it was hard to compromise with my hubby job and finding a babysitter for my kids. It is just too stressful and that's one of the reasons why I don't want a job at the moment, I don't want to worry about finding a babysitter.

There is a daycare that I know that's not far from me and it is possible I can get the state to pay for me, but at the same time, I don't want to worry how the heck to do that. Life can be so difficult and stressful, that has caused so much anxiety. Like taxes.

I know how to do taxes now, I'm a pro but I remember the first time I did it and I had no idea I was supposed to do it. No one told me about taxes when I first got married and started a new life I had no idea what taxes where. But do not worry, we figured it out. They should have taught us about taxes in school, and if they did or do...they failed me.

Look how cute that picture is! I don't know why I find it so cute, it's so cute!

When I have been working so hard all week on my books, it's good to relax with some painting. Yes, painting is relaxing. well so is drawing but I don't have to figure out too much about it like how what and why it should look like. Painting a picture is so nice, and I have done two pictures this week. 
This picture is a picture of that girl finding herself in a fog and discovered a man in a cap. I know it's kind of hard to see her and him but it's supposed to be a fog so that's the idea. But maybe I should have made her more clear for it is starting to bug me how I can't see her eyes very well.
 I'm not going to fix it. 
I'm stubborn like that.

She's a princess and he is a high soldier. He protects her, but also loves her, he becomes her best friend and always wants to be with her. But she does get engaged to a prince and that ruined for him. But he still stays by her side.

I think it's a really cute picture, it shows he's a character so much for her. he is so handsome and charming, and his love for her is so cute. If only there were real men like him, he is the typical man I want. (Don't tell my hubby. I don't have feelings for a non-fictional character that I have mastered).

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