Wednesday, January 15, 2020

When I tried to Challenge Myself I have failed twice

Pretty strange to look at, this picture right here. That's because it is strange, I edited it in a way where the right eye is off big time and the mouth is huge. But even when it was normal it didn't look that great as well.


Do you see what I mean? She isn't that great looking and I don't like it. Her mouth especially looks so wrong, I don't like looking at it.

You see I tried to do something new and different, I watch some channels on youtube of artist painting amazing pictures of these real people. They can take an anime or cartoon characters and make them look so real and I wanted to try that on my character Joy. Well it didn't go so well, after a while doing her she started to look like the ugly version of sonic and I didn't think it will end well. As much as it looks better once it's all done I still don't like it, she doesn't look like joy and just doesn't look like a good person. Like possibly the eyes look ok but everything else doesn't fit well.

As I was done with this picture I thought maybe I can do better, after watching some videos of some other artists doing their stuff I tried learning from them and tried again. And even though I keep trying to do their tactics on how they did it, it still doesn't turn out great. I fail, I failed twice.
This looks slightly better but still not enough, what am I doing wrong? Or is it just that Joy can't look good as a realistic person, or I just don't have that talent. Her mouth and nose look better but still, there's something about it that makes me cringed. I just didn't do that look that looks real, I kept blending, mixing, colors and do what others do to make it look realistic but I just don't get it. I don't get how they do it and make it look so good. 

They also took hours of hours to do one picture, this only took me 2 hours to do each picture. 
As for this picture only took me half an hour. This is Joy what she's supposed to look like in her original form. She looks so much better like that for one thing it is not complicated to draw her, her eyes are huge but fun, her nose is just a half triangle and her mouth is a triangle. The only thing that was hard to do is painting, painting her skin hair and eyes and it turns out great! But when I was doing her in a realistic way for some reason everything was a challenge, everything, lining, painting you name it, why? I don't know why I was trying something new and different and didn't turn out great.
Even this picture looks better than the real ones. This was the first picture I've tried to paint on my tablet and a year later I made the better version of it and you can defiantly tell that I am improving my painting skills.
This is the most recent one of her, it's her on her date with Izumi, she is so pretty and so glamourous. The painting was not a problem in this picture, it has gotten easier and easier than I thought I could do something I don't normally do and, well, maybe I feel disappointed that it turns out well. I tried two times and each time didn't turn out the way I wanted too. Maybe I can keep trying but I want to keep my focus on my books and videos. I really enjoy making my books, I do hope someday I get to publish so much and people will buy them and know what my drawing looks like so when they find a book and it looks like my type of book they know exactly who it's by without looking for the author on it. I don't know I have done that, my favorite manga illustrator is  Arina Tanemura, she has made a bunch of books and I remember one time when I went to Barns and Noble and saw a book that had her type of art on it I knew it was by her and wanted that book even if I didn't know what it was about I just enjoy her books by her art.

But my all-time favorite manga of all time is From Far Away, they aren't in stores anymore so I am very grateful that I was able to get them when they first came out. You might still get to read them from libraries but I doubt it.

Watch the video on Youtube or right here and see what I mean, I talk about other crap in the video also so please give it a listen thank you. 

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