Tuesday, January 14, 2020

I have done no work for a whole week because I was deathly ill it was a nightmare since I am also a mom

I didn't have a good week...I was feeling like death.

For the first video of the year 2020, I have posted a short animation of how I feel about public breastfeeding. And luckily I got 20 views in the first week! But that's it for now so go check it out and tell me your opinion, the reason I did this video is to give my feedback about it and I wanted to hear yours. I know that this topic is touchy to some but I don't know I just want to know what you think about it.

I haven't been able to do any drawing for a whole week and that's because I have been so sick with Influenza B.

Yes I was super sick, had aches and pains all over my body felt like I hit a bus, my throat hurt the worst that I really thought maybe I had strep, but they checked and it wasn't strep but, man, did it hurt, it even hurt to breath. Talking was impossible to do, and it was impossible to take care of my kids. My hubby was sick with influenza plus pneumonia, and my kids got sick as well. My older kid got influenza b and we don't know what my baby had, it kept coming negative for her to have influenza b but she was sick as well with fever and a couch. So I don't know but I do know that I barely function and couldn't function. 

My family helped a lot, they brought over meals for us mainly soup for that's all I wanted to eat. But now that I am better soup is the last thing I want. I am so glad that it is over. It was horrible. I have never been a situation where both parents are super sick along with the kids so it was impossible to rest and take care of each other. I cried so much for being in so much pain and not able to function to take care of my kids, change their diapers, feed them and etc. 

Now that I am better I am trying to schedule myself to draw and stick to it. So far it's been great but I just know if I keep going on this schedule I am going to break it, but I must keep it I must draw! My schedule is that I get up at eight in the morning (which is still tricky to do, but my older child has been getting up at that time so maybe she can help me out.) Eat breakfast, do a little bit of cleaning if it needs, by the time its ten I must draw and draw until lunchtime which is typically noon, then once I feed the kids I put them down for naps and draw again and I either draw until five or do something protective like making videos, sketchy, etc until five which is the time to make dinner if my hubby doesn't make it. Once dinner is done I then do a lot of cleaning, pick up toys, vacuum, dishes, laundry, etc. By eight I give the girls a bath and get them ready for bed by the time is nine they are in bed and I can either keep drawing or just get myself ready for bed including scripture study and watch Youtube videos until I fall asleep. 

I have done this schedule a few times and I really like it, yesterday I manage to do it just fine so I need to keep doing that. But doesn't mean I won't go insane I must have a date night and maybe go out a few times a week just to keep myself insane. I enjoy having date nights and family nights, I enjoy being with my family it's fun for them and fun for me. Even just going to my parents or my hubby parents just for a while helps me feel better for it's getting out of the house and doing something instead stuck inside all the time. 

I want this to be my job, for I have tried having a job a few times and it doesn't seem to work, for I either pass out during my shifts or finding a nanny for my kids, it doesn't work out. I would like to be a stay home mom making money by my books and Youtube videos. I am learning about how to make my channel better I would like to do a gaming channel for I love games, but the problem is I don't have a way to do that. I tried doing Roblox games and my laptop won't download any games for it doesn't have enough memory. So if I have computer maybe I'll do that kind of channel but right now I'm doing a Vlog channel and an art, manga, animation, music videos, channel...yeah that's a lot for one channel I don't really know the actual theme for it but it's main art for I have done lots of art tutorial, speedpaints, and such. 

 When I was feeling better I decided the first thing I'll draw is a picture and paint it. 

 This is in my friend story that I am working on and actually have gotten far in it, I'm on page 42, which is surprising to me for I feel like I have been working more on Sweet and Sour but still on page 24 with Sweet and Sour, I might finish my friend story first before Sweet and Sour number 2. Anyways this picture is the main character in the story and they work together in this restaurant, so I wanted to draw them working together in their restaurant and having fun with it for they enjoy the work and each other. They do everything, cooking, cleaning, serving and such for this tiny restaurant in this tiny village. But as I was drawing this picture I had no idea what kind of foods they really serve so this is just a big guess and I like how did the food, it looks good to me. But I had a hard time with the background, I didn't like how dark the kitchen is, I tried lightening it but doesn't seem to be working so I did it again with jut a random color background.
I actually love this background, I did a vote on Instagram and Facebook about which one the viewers like best and the winner is this one. It's so cool and shows more how much they enjoy working with each other and such. I love their outfits I find it so cute and I hope it's not too much pink or anything. For the bow is red but the girl on the left has red hair so is that too much of red? I hope not. I don't know why she has a stick in the water picture maybe possibly making a drink of some kind, I don't know but I wanted her to do more with her hands not just holding a water picture. 

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