Sunday, July 15, 2018

My week so far

Hey, so it's been about a week since my last post I think, and so far I have only done three pages for Sweet and Sour. Ha, didn't make it to five but was pretty close right? I feel like I spend a lot of time on my computer working on it, especially at night, at nine thirty I put my little one to sleep, and then I get ready for bed but I don't go to bed yet, I stay up till 11:30 or midnight working  on my computer. I did that every day this week and yet I only manage to do three pages.

I have been working on other things, my friend Beth (we will call her Beth) has been asking to go to this con thing (it's like the comic con but not, I can't remember what it is called) and she asked me to come with her and sell some art. So I've been trying to color at least two pictures to take with me to this con and hopefully sell them. I'll only make like ten copies each and they will be a dollar each. But the thing is...I still don't know what two pictures I'm going to do!! I've been brainstorming and drawing different sketches of random stuff or even from my story Sweet and Sour. I just don't know.

Luckily this con thing won't be until August. I am excited to go even though I know I'm not popular or anything or probably won't sell anything, it just sounds exciting. Hopefully, my hubby can handle a toddler while I go do this for one day, he is good with her but will she be good for him. She is such a mommy girl.

This coming up week I want to set my goal to do at least five pages of my book, work on one funny comic, and figure out what two pictures I'm going do for the con thing in August. I got time so it's not super important if I don't get it this week.
This is one of the three pages I got done this week, you have to admit I did a good job at that car...I was not looking forward to that car, it's hard to draw a car and I have to draw this car at least five more times, ugh, not looking forward to it. 

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