Monday, July 30, 2018

Hello again

Hello again,
So in my last post, I explain about me being on bed that's what I did, I didn't do any drawing. Ugh, so yeah no progress. It's a bummer really, even when I did try to sit down and draw, I feel absolutely awful, my heart would race and it would be hard to breathe and I try getting up and do some walking or drinking water but it doesn't calm it down. I had this heart thing thru out my pregnancy, and my doctor sends me to a heart doctor but for some reason, it didn't happen until recently.

The heart doctor, a cardiologist, says what I have is nothing.


OH! Great!!

It just likes to pump extra while I'm under stress, A.K.A being pregnant. That's so good to know, I will continue having this heart issue that makes me feel like I'm going to die until my baby is born, which could be any day now. So I honestly don't know when I'll get back to my book, I still want to try working on it.

I have nothing to show this time...well I guess I'll show what I was planning on selling with my friend, I don't know if I will still cause this baby is keeping me doing things and when she is born I still can't do much, I just know it.

Hmm, I just realize I might have spelled Princesses wrong, haha, but this is another book that I hope for someday to create, it's a magical girl one, these five girls are star princesses from the stars. They ended up on earth when they were just babies and the reason is that they are in danger. The moon queen wants their powers, and that's all I say about it.

This is just a little girl in a blanket, the original drawing is just pencil and I did it when I was like 13 years old, I found it in my old drawings folder and wanted to recreate it. Isn't she cute?  

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