Wednesday, July 18, 2018

I feel accomplish already

Hey so it's Wednesday (well as for right now it's Wednesday) and I feel really good. But I did receive bad news about the con thing that I was talking about in my last post, unfortunately, my friend found out that we couldn't do it...and yeah it's disappointing for did manage to figure out what pictures I was going to do and was doing them, and when I found that out I had to stop. But she likes the idea of trying to sell our art at a store nearby her, I supported her and told her I can still do that if she likes, so I don't know if it will happen but I finished the pictures that I'm going do.

And I manage to finish three pages of my book already. Three pages already and it's only Wednesday, I can do two more pages or even more if I wanted too by the end of the week! Well hopefully, let's not jinx myself.

I did do another short comic of The Intriguing Life of Nonny Whitney and Tutu, it's on my facebook page called K Productions, but I'll put it here too.

I have also worked on something else this week, I'm on this website called Threadless...I'm trying it out, it's a T-shirt company that you can put your own design on their T-shirts and such, can get money too if you make a sell but you also have to make your shop if you do that. I haven't made a shop yet but I've been doing design challenges that they do and the one challenge was for St. Baldricks Foundations, a charity for children that have cancer. I wanted to do one but sadly it got declined...for reason, I don't understand it could be because my design is complicated but I really like it. Or maybe I don't understand how to submit a design properly. If you guys are reading this and know about Threadless let me know how it's going for you for I'm still learning what it is.

This is what I did...I did remove some stuff like the St. Baldricks logo, but the main story is this, I just love the wings and the bald child, the bald kid could be the one that has cancer and the wings is suppose to represent faith or hope, hope that he or she can beat this cancer. It's super pretty to me and maybe that's not what they were looking for their T-shirts, I don't know, but I hope it was ok to share this I don't want any contention I just want to show you what I did and sad that it didn't make it. 

But besides that, I'm doing my goals pretty darn good so far, and it's making me so happy. But I am spending time with my family, I make sure of that, I don't neglect my child during the day I take her to the park, and such. It's nice to get a break from drawing, but at the same time, all I think about is drawing.

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