Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Is it Just me? Or don't you think so too

Life sucks but it also can be great! I just wrote a song about that, for I struggle, like maybe everyone faces life can be so hard to deal with that you just want to cry cry cry and just cry... Or maybe that's just me, I get stressed out and sometimes I stress to the point where I just want to lay down and cry until I die.
That sounds dark but that's how it feels like. I don't die, I don't try to kill myself or anything like that, I just get into that thought that I'm done with living. But what gets me out of it is my kids. Every time my kids get me thru it and help me to be myself again. (Maybe I should go see a doctor about this).

Anyways so yeah life sucks but I am still alive and breathing, I want to record the new song I did called Meadow Lark for that's what it talks about, how life is so depressing but it can also be great and happy and how we need to keep living. The meaning of life is so deep, I don't understand it myself what's the purpose of us being here and I will soon but right now I am so close, SO CLOSE, finishing my first book of Sweet And Sour. 

I have less than twenty pages to do, less than twenty! I am so excited about it but still taking me forever to get done. It has taken me two years to do this book, and some of the reasons are that last year my laptop stopped working so I had to wait until I got a new one which took a while to get for I'm not rich. If I was rich I would buy a nice computer, with a camera thing so I can record myself while drawing or do my "Try Not to Laugh" challenges, they are fun to do, and have a recording machine with a microphone and everything to do my animations and songs. If I was rich I would love to buy a house. I am so done living in a basement apt but am happy to have what I have instead of living on the streets. 

Sometimes I kind of want to sell a lot of our things and just live in an RV until we can afford a place. Would that be so bad?

So yeah anyways, Sweet and Sour is almost done, I have started three other stories already, I've gotten far on one particular book that  the story is by my friend I keep mentioning Sara, she is the one that has already published some of her books, she asked me to do a story for her way before she did her own and I have started to draw it again on my tablet to give it a better look. I didn't realize that I've already gotten so far on it. 

I've started Moon Princess, a romantic story that my heart just burst for.

And lastly, I am doing my first story I have ever finished in a Sketch Book form, have 14 sketchbooks of it and took me four years to do. Now that I am doing it on a tablet would it take me eight years since doing this first book it's taking me two years to do and I don't know why it takes me so long, does it take long for anybody else or is it just me?

So if you guys know Markipliar on Youtube, he made this incredible video called A Heist With Markipliar, I would very much recommend watching it and keep watching it until every single ending. Yes, there's more than one end, this is a genius idea for a video I don't know if Markipliar came up with it or someone else but whoever did it I want to applaud to you for you sir or ma'am are geniuses. Markipliar is my favorite Youtuber, he plays horror games mainly and I watch him every night to help me fall asleep. Yes to help me fall asleep, watching horror games. He does swear but it doesn't bug me like someone else would for he is so enjoyable to watch that I don't care, I love his videos. If I'm not watching Markipliar I usually then watch Denis Daily, he does mainly Roblox games which did slightly annoy me for a time but now I think it's fine he is a fun guy to watch also.

Who do you like to watch on Youtube? I am on youtube called K Productions 3.0, I have done some animations and some other videos go check it out and don't forget to subscribe and please tell me how to improve my channel I am open for advice.

Ok, so before I end this post I want to tell you a story that is true and made me do this comic. One day I was waiting for my hubby to come to get me from my brothers house and while I was waiting I see this little girl wandering around and then she finally looked at me and asked, "Have you seen a girl that looks like ten?" and my mind went blank. 'a girl that looks like ten' tells me nothing, I didn't know what a ten-year-old girl looked like, I was so stunned by her question but told her I didn't for I haven't seen anyone for a while, but it still dumbfounded me about it. I made a really funny comic about it.

Now, of course, that ending wasn't true, but I thought it would be funny to do. The girl is fine nothing really happens to her. I hope you liked it though as much as I do, I find it clever clean and of course very funny.

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