Thursday, November 7, 2019

Scary Story's

So I know this is late but for Halloween, I did a video about my true story about some of my scary moments that turn out to be hilarious. Throughout October I tried to get people to watch it, I post it so many times and send it to messages to watch it but for some reason, it only got 19 views. Hmm...That's disappointing considering I have over a hundred friends on Facebook and Instagram and only 19 of them saw this video.

Sure this video doesn't have the best animation in it but the stories are hilarious. It could happen to anybody. The first story is about someone just going to the bathroom and turning on the wrong switch, I mean doesn't that ever happen to you and doesn't it scare you? For it does for me. 

The second video is about me and my sister when we were kids playing at a playground and while playing on a tube slide my sister slipped and I got her hand but man was she heavy, I don't know how they do it in movies for I was just less than 40 pound kid holding onto may be less than 30 pound kid and couldn't hold her, I couldn't bring her up to safety, and it literally felt like if I let her go she will fall and die. We were crying and screaming at each other. Once she slipped out of my hands I thought the worst would happen but then she just landed on the bottom of the slide and we felt stupid. We laughed big time but at the moment was really scary.

The last story is about a trip to Hawaii, we were camping on a volcano (and I don't like camping, like at all) and during the night it started to rain and I remember how I left my notebook out there with my comic ideas in it and such so I decided to go out there. I was half asleep when I went out here and when I got my notebook I heard this noise that was loud and unfamiliar. I freaked out, wide awake thinking it's a bear. I tried to open the tent had a hard time finding the zipper, once it was open I swoosh in yelling there's a bear and my sisters looked at me stupidly saying how there are no bears in Hawaii.  I was relieved to hear that but what did I hear then? Turn out to be a dog at the next campers, that was so dumb.

I got one comment about someone else scary story and I was hoping for more, so please go check out this video and tell me your scary story I would love to hear it. I enjoyed Halloween got to celebrate it with my kids, it was so much fun going trick or treating with them, I can never be too old to go trick or treating, I don't so much like get candy only chocolate. 

I was dressed up as a pumpkin, I tried my Zelda outfit that I did for Fan-x, didn't get the attention that I would like like I did from Fan-X so I did my pumpkin. 
Working on my book still, getting so close on finishing it, I am also working on some videos, I know I still haven't gotten a lot of viewers on my channel but I am still making videos!

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