Friday, November 8, 2019

Background in a Comic page

Hey, people in Poisea, I made a video about how to do background on comics, there are many ways to do background for comics but you need to find the right one. 

When I started I struggled with figuring out how to do the background. I wasn't really sure how I would do one, but now I feel more confident now too. Each background needs to be apart of the picture, either be like a scene where they are like a playground, a bedroom, bathroom, but in the manga, they do just do backgrounds on how the person feels like flowers, sparkles, running lines, and such. 

The picture I did is about a girl who sees another girl and was wondering if she was a certain someone who she hasn't seen in a long time. For in the story she is originally her friend but died in a car wreck and has been a few years since. So the dead girl is dead but had to be on earth as an Immortal angel to help find her sister's memories. 

Yeah, that probably made no sense, but don't want to explain the story too much I am so close getting this done! But you can start reading it, even though it hasn't be edited you can read it, it's here on my blog. 

I am working on chapter five and it's so close to finishing it. Once it's done then the whole book would be done and I can try to get it to be edited and try to find a publisher. 

Does anyone know where I can publish? For a cheap or no price? I have made an account for creative space that I know of someone showing it to me to be a self-publishing website. 

Here is some of my comic and focus on the background I did, I would like to do that when I read manga, focusing on the background on each picture and how inspiring it is for me.

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