Saturday, November 16, 2019

Working on Other Books

Sweet and Sour book one is so close being done, I've been really pushing to get it done since it only has a few more pages left and maybe as a little extra in the end like an Author note and sketches...and such. 

It has taken me two years for this book and it might take me another two years to finish the next one since this series is only going to be two that bad? Will that really be a problem? I only meant for this story to be short for a reason and that reason is a practice run,  for I didn't know how to use my tablet when I got it, I only did it on sketchbooks and I'm happy for the tablet but didn't know anything about it or the program I was told I could use, and I was very excited now to start on other stories like Flower In the Dust, Gaining Altitude, Moon Princess and more. 

I have been starting on other stories while I was doing this one for I can't focus on one. I know while growing up my sisters always told me to focus on one book, but I couldn't! I just start on another story while still working on the main one. And it helps me breathe, when I was trying to do Sweet and Sour for almost a year I couldn't focus anymore on it, I tried but ended up doing other stuff. So I started on another story by my friend that has accomplished publishing books but has asked me to do a story for her while we were still in high school for she thinks I draw better...she is good too go check out her books you can find them on Amazon. Link here.

When I started on her book I felt relief, even though now I have to worry about two stories my main focus is still on Sweet and Sour, my friend's book is just a nice backup.
The story is good, I like the characters, but do feel like the plot needs a bit of work but it is kid-friendly and I'm sure everyone can enjoy it for it has romance, adventure, pirates, demons, transformation, and space.

And I have been naughty, after doing some of this story I couldn't help myself but get into more stories for I feel more confident now to do it on my nice tablet and program Medibang. I think Medibang is a great source for manga books for it has things you need for it. 

I have started Moon Princess, Moon Princess will not be Kid-friendly only because there were be blood. Just that, I don't do swear words or sex but this book will be full of fighting violence and blood, and I don't think I want my kids reading them until their older. But this book is like a dark precious sacred one to me, it has a romance story that is so good it makes my chest burn in excitement and it's just really good.

My sister wrote it mainly but I have to add and re-arrange some things. But this would be a five stars dinner course, (kiss my fingers good). It is a dark tale about a soldier that has a dark past and thinks and sees nothing but darkness and blood. He is caring but he always has a serious look, not until a beautiful princess that shines like moonlight in his dark soul brought them together. AH! It's so good! It has a really, really bad cliffhanger that I will not say for I hope you will read it and just eat it.

And just recently while Sweet and Sour have only a few pages left I have started the only book I have ever finished in Sketchbook form (took me four years to finish it) Flower In the Dust. This is a sweet story and it does have a little bit tale like Sleepy Beauty but it has more to it, we never meant it to be like sleepy beauty it just kind of happened. There is a princess but she is also a wizard, there is a handsome man that you see him as a pig at first, (Whoa what??) Yeah, this book has magic, demons, spirit animals, romance, a little fighting but won't be as bad as Moon Princess. It will be a great book for any kid. 

Aw...this picture is so sweet, don't you think? I have tweaked this story as well, just a little, I haven't taken out the plot too much just added more details and trying to make more sense on each character and their personality. My high school friends have read this book, I had so many people that I kind of knew in my classmates ask to read this book for they were intrigued by it. It has fourteen sketchbooks but I believe if my calculation is correct his might only be a seven to ten book series.

I know I probably did too much on my plate, but once Sweet and Sour book one is done I will get into two and it will be my main story still to try to finish. Sweet and Sour is a fun book, I love how I develope this story from way back then, I'm glad how it made it now it is a more clever and great message in the end.

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