Sunday, August 5, 2018



So yeah no progress still, but I have done one short comic that I will post on this post. My motivation to draw this week was weak, not sure why being on bed rest shouldn't stop me, all I did was laying or sitting on my bed or couch I could be doing the same thing on my tablet. I still have a child to take care of so of course if I hear her cry or if she needs something I'm there for her. But she's pretty good, she really only needs me if she wants a bottle of milk or food sometimes if she needs a bum change. So maybe this week I can get back to my groove.

I remember when she was born, she was the joy of my life, I loved her dearly and would do anything to help her, even though I had no sleep, had depression and such I would still be there for her. But I also had a boredom problem, the days would go by so slow. And it's funny cause other moms would tell me that their days would be fast, yes the child itself is growing up fast but as taking care of her as an infant till one year old was really tough for me. I just get so bored and all she wants is me and that's fine it's just hard cause I felt like I couldn't be myself. I also have lost my passion in drawing at the time, well really when I got married, things got crazy and I felt like I had no time to draw nor did I see the purpose of drawing. When I got married I lived in an apartment with my husband and was alone a lot, so I got a job at Kneaders and that helped with a lot of things. First money, second doing something. All growing up all I remember doing is either drawing or playing my keyboard piano in my bedroom, (yes I can play, I can also play the guitar and written over 200 songs).

I mean I had no social life like I have friends I would chat at school and they would love to look at my drawings, and I would do sleepovers but I would always have my sketchbook and draw whenever I can, I don't know if that annoy them or not. My best friend, Beth (we will call her Beth) was into drawing comics because of me, so we get each other, we would hang and talk a lot, but as in watching movies and such, we would be on our sketchbooks. She's the one if you've been reading my past posts, that she has published her books and invited me to sell art at this con thing that didn't work out so we are trying to sell our art at a grocery store or something like that.

I have always had big dreams to publish my comic books or music, I wanted to be big, not like famous but just a little to bring people a smile when they read my books or listen to my music. My focus is on my books right now, Sweet and Sour, it will be a 2-4 long books series and it will be clean. Clean as in language and nudity, not really on violence, well this book will be ok on the fighting but in my future books like Moon Princess, there is war and such going on and the main character is a warrior and he is very skilled at his sword fighting.

This blog is supposed to help me achieve my goal to publish my books while being a mom, I love being a mom don't get me wrong, but like what said earlier I was bored, this is helping me find a purpose and be able to function and not be depressed. I know it will be hard when my next little one will come, but this is still something I would like to do.

You can also see my art stuff on my facebook page called K Productions.

This is the comic that I did this past week, it's about sisters giving advice to another sister and will that sister do the advice or just ignore. This comic doesn't really say but I find it funny.

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