Monday, September 17, 2018


Oh goodness, so I have reached my limit.

I was doing so good, cleaning, drawing, doing my goals, taking care of my kids, but I have noticed little by little last week that I get this burst of frustration at nothing and then Sunday I totally broke. I was crying all day long and feeling so frustrated at everything, everyone and myself. Do you know what that is? Postpartum depression.

I had it with my first child too but I thought it was because of the lack of sleep for she would never sleep, my second child sleeps great I've been great at night, I get three hours straight then feed her and she goes right back to sleep, I don't need to get her to sleep which is great it might not last long.

So I don't understand why I have this depression but I'm pretty sure I do and it's giving me a huge headache.

I manage to do three pages in Sweet and Sour last week which is great cause I have no desire to do it today or tomorrow, I need a small break or something for I am going crazy. I still love my kids.

So I haven't explained who Drake is, he is one of the main characters in the story, he helps with Lark finding the memories for Joy, but it was his fault in the first place that they had to do that. He claims he "accidentally" got Joy thru the Pre-Mortal door that made her go to earth losing all of her memories, but really he purposely did it for he is on Destiny side but no one knows that all they know that he is a Savior and is doing good things.

Truth is he also had a rough life on earth and when he died he wanted to be good so he worked hard to become a Savior but still has that pain from his past in him, so when he met Destiny and what she thinks it should be he agreed with her and secretly been working for her.

That's all I'm going to say about him, he is a clever guy and is my favorite character. His hair is tough to draw but I love his hot look. His original name was Dick, but growing up having people read it telling me how Dick is a bad name and such I was annoyed and embarrassed had to change his name. But there are people out there still with the name Dick, so don't make fun of them.

Is he charming looking?

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