Saturday, September 8, 2018


Oh my goodness it's been a while, and it's funny cause all day all I wanted to do was to do my blog but I got carried away with my project of animation. I have done another animation short video that will be on youtube soon, my head is going to explode.

I have done a lot, I did do two pages last week if I haven't mentioned that, it's Friday and I have done one page this week working on number two. I'm doing really good I'm like on a role. My baby is started to be more awake than asleep already and it is making me nervous cause when she is awake all she wants is to be held, well most of the time she doesn't like to be in her bed. My toddler is warming up to her which is great, she is helping her when she cries which is super great but sometimes she can be rough with her which isn't so good.

I have done some pictures of Izumi and Joy together, I don't know if you know Izumi, he is one of the main characters in my story, he is the one that finds Joy and takes care of her, of course, he didn't want to at first he had a sour attitude about it, but at the end he falls in love with her.

This is a sweet picture of them together. I love how I did the background don't you?

Izumi allowing her to play video games which is a thing in the story for Joy acts like a toddler so he had no desire to let her touch his video games, but in this picture is he letting her and is actually smiling about it.

This is a good picture of Izumi, Izumi is blind in one eye so that's why they look different. How he got the blind eye? I guess I can tell you now about it.

His mother Megumi become a single parent when her husband decided he doesn't like kids, and it was all on her shoulders to take care of Izumi and paying for food rent and such. One night the husband was trying to come back and she allows him but found out how he was abusing her child Izumi so she tried kicking him out but he abuses her and once he finally left for good she was possessed by a devil and couldn't take it anymore. She hurt Izumi and made him blind in one eye, and then she left him all by himself. 
Izumi being a brave boy left his home and went to the neighbors for help, and that's where he was in custom to his aunt Mitsuki, Mitsuki was Megumi's sister, and no one knows what happened to Megumi after that.

Susi, the angel that helps Lark she has bright orange hair, she was trying to save Megumi from the devil but failed. So now Izumi is with his aunt and when Joy came Mitsuki made sure they took care of her too.

So yeah that's his story it's also sad like Imogen's but we must have hard times to find the good times. I know I have hard times, I have been depressed and been bullied in school, and my hard trail is my disorder I have. It's a hearing disorder we will say. 

Anyways I have done another comic also of Nonny Whitney and Tutu, you can check them out on facebook called K Productions.

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