Friday, September 14, 2018

Music in my life

I'm sure that I'm not only one agrees with this, but isn't music the best? Listening playing to music makes fireworks in your head and makes you want to sing or dance.

I love music, growing up I always listen to my mom playing the piano or singing in the shower and pretty much all of my siblings have a music talent, except my dad.

I have taken piano lessons when I was eight years old up till I was ten for I got tired of it but when I was thirteen I started playing it again (not taken lessons) and started making my own songs on it. I did take guitar lessons when I was 15 till I graduated high school and that I didn't mind so much I started liking playing an instrument by then.

My singing voice isn't so great though, I tried getting free lessons from my mom whenever we are in the car going places but that didn't last long either. I have a quiet voice and can't seem to overcome that quietness, for I have recorded with people before for a CD (it was for Mother days, they were just hymns) and the guy that own the recording equipment kept telling me to sing louder and just sing, and I tried but I think I kept getting choked for I was so nervous.

I would like to record my music and get it published, but I have no idea when that will be.

I would play on my families piano for hours just making up tunes, and it got to the point where my neighbor had a keyboard that she never uses and let me borrow it. I was playing on it for hours also in my bedroom, it was a stress reliever on bad days and I got better at playing the piano even though I can't read music.

I got my own guitar and name him Walcome on my 16th birthday and got my own keyboard (I gave back my neighbors keyboard after having it for three years) for Christmas when I was nineteen, I love her, her name is Harper. I'm not terribly good at playing the piano but I was given the opportunity to learn some hymns on it for my church asked me to be the piano player for my Sunday School class, it was hard but I manage.

I hope one day to share my music but right now I'm focusing on my book Sweet and Sour and such, I still play the piano and guitar here and there but not as often as I use too.

If I ever did a record I'll probably would make like four albums already, and here what their titles would be.


  1. Test 
  2. Ghost
  3. Dark
  4. Sunflower
  5. Mattress
  6. Dawn
  7. Hiding in the Dark
  8. Unspoken Pain
  9. Shadow
  10. Cry
  11. Closet
  12. Patience 
  13. Wake Up

Welcome Goodbye

  1. Welcome (Yo-Yo)
  2. Frozen
  3. Clocks
  4. Big Fight
  5. Lazy
  6. Yellow Moon
  7. Ew
  8. Winning Prize
  9. Pretty or Scary
  10. In the Pass
  11. Glue Heart Pieces
  12. Nervous 
  13. Empty Heart

The Leaf
  1. My Leaf
  2. Release Me
  3. Lesson Always Learn
  4. Alone
  5. Big Fat Bruise
  6. Hourglass
  7. Snowflake
  8. Wall
  9. Um
  10. Crystal Clear
  11. Lies
  12. Triangle 
  13. Lullaby to my Unborn
Little Fire
  1. Aiden 
  2. A Child Story
  3. Take a Picture
  4. Pretty Boy
  5. Ha!
  6. Car
  7. Hard Job
  8. Fake Smiles
  9. Broken Knee
  10. No Matter What Side
  11. Teeth
  12. Dust
  13. Mysterious

Now that's not all of the songs I have made, just the best ones I have created. 
I decided to quickly draw this, this is the idea cover I want for The Leaf album, from the inspiration of my song My Leaf, I don't know if I should share the song for I don't want it to get stolen but I'll share it for it's short and hopefully no one will take it.

My Leaf

Fist Verse
My Leaf grew from this tree
I blew a kiss away
for you for me
for you for me

second verse
Explore the world with sweet honey
come back feeling empty
for you for me
for you for me

Thrid Verse 
Lets all die with full of hearts
and not broken burns
for you for me
for you for me 

For you for me
for you for me 

Fourth Verse
we have lost all of our gold
but don't you worry we 
still have each other

For you for me
for you for me


I might record myself this song and show you how good I am on the piano ha, just please don't steal my poem, song, whatever.

I have done another comic by the way on facebook called K Productions check out the other stuff I do on there. 

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