Monday, November 26, 2018

Oh my My Laptop

So if you're wondering why I haven't written a post in a while is because my Laptop would not turn on. Like the screen will stay black, so I just figure out how to get it working again and this really means I can't finish my book by Christmas, I would literally have to do 10 pages a day to catch up and that is not going to happen, sorry I can do so much.

But it was a bummer when it wasn't turning on, it freaked me out cause I don't have the money to buy a new one I mean who does? ...Millionaires, I guess but besides the point I got it working and I am so happy about that I am finally doing so art.

I had some pretty bad postpartum moment on Thanksgiving and that was no fun, especially how we (me and my family) get to stay at this gorgeous cabin own by my brother in law. It was fun eating and playing games but for some reason, I was dealing with an episode that night and just cried in the room we were staying.

Postpartum is just the worst, I'm thinking of doing a video about it to explain what it is for it is just pain, anger, frustration, and so forth. It's like a fire and won't go away unless I run away from everyone and everything I have to do to survive like eating food and water. I mean I like food don't get me wrong, for Thanksgiving my favorite food is pretzel Jello.

Some people say jello is dessert, I think not, it's a fruit salad.

Before my stupid laptop died on me I manage to do some Thanksgiving comics, if you on Instagram or Facebook then you probably have seen these already but here they are again I hope you like them, you can comment below of which one is your favorite.

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