Monday, November 12, 2018

Quotes or poems

Oh man, I'm behind schedule, I knew I would be but was hoping I wouldn't. I'm kinda stuck like I have it written but I don't think I like it does that ever happen to you? I am changing the story a little bit, not a ton and like you wouldn't care cause you haven't even read the story. I hope this change is for the better and it will flow just right.

I don't think it's bad to change at the last minute as long you feel good about it I mean it is my story and I hope it will good. Something that everyone would like to read and such.

Anyways I've been spending a little too much time on Instagram, and the funny thing is that I never did before, Facebook is my thing Instagram was a new thing that I'm still not sure how it works but I decided to put K Productions 3.0 on there because I will get more people to look at my stuff for no one on Facebook is. I would invite people and nothing happens. With Instagram it's INSTA magic,  I already have 30 people following me, which is better than Facebook for I only have 21 followers and it took forever to get that number.

I have been trying to find ideas to post on Instagram, for I want to post at least once a day. I ran out of ideas the other day and I was in a panic so I ask for some advice from my sisters and we put our heads together and I made these.

This speaks a lot of truth, for one thing, I don't like plain oatmeal, do you? I prefer peaches and cream or add brown sugar to it, you can't eat it plain it's too gross, it's like eating a raw salad with no dressing, it's gross.

Life is hard, so hard and when it just keep saying no to you for the things you want to do you got to say yes back and this blog is basically what I'm trying to do for life, I want to publish my books songs whatever get a little fam and maybe make a little money. I mainly just want to do what I like to do, it's my last draw.
You can find this poem on my shop you can get it in a T-shirt and such.

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