Monday, November 19, 2018

Pizza yum??

Ok so the other day I was trying to do a comic about pizza, and it took forever cause I wasn't sure what I was looking for and my sisters Karli and Kynsie tried to help me and it took forever to figure it out but eventually we found a winner. 
This was one of the pizza comics I tried, it's funny but the problem is that no one really knows who Nonny is, Nonny is the redhead, and no one really knows about her eating disorder she is skinny as a stick and yet eats all the time so it's funny for my sisters and I but I didn't think it would be for you and others and such.

This was the first idea I had, I saw on facebook of someone having a Banana Pizza and I was so gross out, it looked so disgusting and I didn't want to judge but how can you not, you can do a fruit pizza that can have bananas but not on a regular pizza.

Ok, so I have people debate on having pineapple on their pizza if it's gross or it's the best thing ever. I personally think it's great I love Hawaiin pizza but for this comic (not sure why there's a hair for it wasn't originally) I like pineapple on pizza too much that I couldn't do this one.

This was getting there the idea we wanted, my sisters and I love their faces and was really trying to figure it out, the wording is just not quite right.

This is the winner, it's funny and simple, I love it, once we did it I manage to post it on Instagram and facebook hoping everyone else will like it. I kept the pineapple for me and my sister enjoy pineapple on our pizza if you don't that's fine we won't judge but we enjoy it.

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