Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Trying to catch up but failing

So I strongly believe that I won't finish my book by Christmas unless I do like eight pages a day and that's rough for I can't even do two a day. Ugh, being a mom and doing my book is so hard, I sometimes miss the days where I did my story all the day long but I did do it on my sketchbook not on a computer with a tablet.

I remember the time that my older brother got a tablet, a Wacom, I thought it was the coolest thing ever. He told me though I can't use it unless I pay him $15 dollars each time I want to use it. Ugh, I never did pay him but I did use it when he wasn't around. Especially at night, during the day he uses it and when he plays his video games at night I would sneakily use it. It was weird at first but I then got the hang of it. I saved my projects on my USB and he never found out.

Eventually, he got married and moved out with his new wife so that meant he took his Wacome and I was so sad. I was back on paper feeling gloomy. Years and years later he got a new tablet the one that you can draw right on the screen and so I ask if I could have his old one and he didn't. Years later my younger sister got me a small tablet that worked only a few months, it needs to upgrade but I didn't know how so I couldn't use it. I ask my brother for help but nothing! He even said he will give me his old one but he never ever ever ever did!! I was miserable, I was so sad for months cause I couldn't work on my projects anymore. And I'm pretty sure I gave my sister laptop a virus for trying so many times...hopefully not but that's why I gave up cause it wouldn't upgrade, the stupid phone number of the company doesn't work and when I chat with them online they were being so STUPID! They didn't help at all so I was forever upset.

I have already explained this story a few times now, my best friend got me a new one for Christmas/Birthday gift and I am enjoying every time I use it which is basically every day.

So anyway that's my catch up I am really struggling to finish this book by Christmas it's just not going to happen. But I am still doing funny comics, if you aren't following me on Facebook or Instagram do it you get to read these comics.

Do you eat turkey for Thanksgiving or ham? We do both but I prefer turkey sorry I'm not a pig fan.

So yeah if you are doing a manga or book how do you catch up? And to make this fair you have to be a parent while working on your story or else you can't relate to me, just kidding but I do need pointers, I am always trying to work while my kids are asleep but my baby needs me all the time so I literally have her on me while trying to work.
This is my life.

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