Friday, January 18, 2019

How to draw hair

Hello hello it's me again, and in this post I'm going to share how to draw hair.

Drawing hair normally is a bunch of strains lines going down one way not back and forth, for hair flow one way so to make it look that way it has to be draw down one way. If you add shade you can do a back and forth movement with your utensil but most likely try to do one way.

Anime hair is very spontaneous, there's so many different ways to do anime hair. Over the years I have learn different styles of anime hair for guys and girls. It can be ridiculous or nice no matter what there's not really any rules as long as you like it.

I am on chapter three on my story almost a hundred pages, it makes me happy to get so far and hoping to get it done soon. My new goal is to finish my first book by April 13th, I picked April 13th cause it has a lot of stories behind that date and one of those stories is that my first cat I had name Twilight ( she was a black cat) had her babies on that day. She was a horrible cat no one liked her, my nieces and nephews were so scared of her they wouldn't go near her nor will dogs. One time some kids came to our door and told my mom that my cat scared their dog and my mom didn't know what to do about that I mean she was defending herself in a way.

Anyways that's my goal so far as goes with my depression if I stay on my medication I will be fine. And make sure I don't chew on them. That was a horrible experience.

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