Monday, January 7, 2019

Working Wonderfully

I feel that depression cloud that's been hovering over me floating away, giving me the chance to enjoy the sunshine and rainbows. I still have that fire dragon in me in stressful situation about money and kids but at least I'm not so depressed all the time now and feel no will to live.

Drawing on my laptop and tablet has really lift my spirits, it's really great to work on my story again. Now I don't know if I'll meet with the publisher like my husband said I will for he claims that I will meet a publisher sometime this month and he will help me publish my books. I don't know if it will happen but I'm not getting my hopes up or anything for I don't want to be disappointed.

I really enjoy drawing, I got to do some art work done you can check them out.

On January 6 was National Bean Day, yes I have discover Bean day, and personally I'm not a big fan of beans, I mean I can eat them just not my favorite. Who likes beans here? The day of celebrating beans was on January 6.

January 12 is Kiss a Ginger day, not sure why they made a holiday about people kissing gingers, red heads, it's a little weird holiday.

Isn't this pretty? Oh man I adore this picture, I find it so pretty, I wasn't sure if she was going to be a fairy or a mermaid, I decided fairy cause it needed a little more. but it's so beautiful. I really enjoyed doing this picture and as you can see I have a thing for sparkles. 

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