Saturday, January 12, 2019

National Holidays Goal

I am almost done with chapter two, it became shorter than expected cause I have to change some things around, I may have to do four chapters in this book for I want to do 200 pages in each book and I only done 90 pages so far.

I have been keeping myself busy, I wake up feed my kids, clean the house, take a nap while my kids take a nap, and then clean some more and then draw. I usually draw at night when both kids are in bed, it's the best time to do it for I'm not distracted with kids and cleaning. I draw until midnight and then go to bed still awake so I watch YouTube videos to help me fall asleep and it works every time.

I also have a spiritual side, I believe in God and take time in my day to read and pray it uplifts my spirits and helps me thru my depression and my day. My depression seems to be under control for the most part I haven't had any issues with it lately, I've been making sure to take my meds, drawing, getting out, and cleaning.

I have though throw out my back today, it kills and I don't know what I did to it, and it doesn't seem to go away.

I have a goal this year to do every National Holiday this year and so far I have done it.

I also done National Spaghetti Day, but I can't seem to get it on here for some odd reason. These national holidays are really interesting I have learn so much why they pick this day to be this type of day, and so forth. It has been really helping me so far and I hope to continue for this whole year.

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