Thursday, January 3, 2019

WhooHoo having so fun already

I am so happy, we couldn't figure out how to upload my tablet with Chromebook laptop so we traded for Windows laptop and right away I got my tablet working and got the program software I use for my art and I was on it like all day. I feel so relieved, it's like I can breathe again.  I just want to thank my loving husband who got me the laptop in the first place for Christmas and has been so supportive for me to do my book, for he has also surprised me on Christmas that I'm going to meet a publisher that will help with my books.

Let's just hope it will work out, I will be so disappointed if I never see him or things can't work out.

Oh, it's been so great to draw on my tablet again. The laptop is blue with white keys and that's why I named him Auqua Cloud. 

Besides that how is everyone's winter going? For the past years winter here in Utah has been strange, there's usually no winter. It gets chilly but that will be it, but not this year, it has been snowing for a while and it's been freezing. I forgot how that felt so I've been puddling myself up inside my house. I live in a basement apt so it gets cold very easily. 

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