Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Hair short long and meduim

I am on Pinterest as Flanngy and I have posted some stuff on there and I even did this hair tutorial.

Ok, not really a tutorial just some hair examples of how to do when it's long short medium and when it's curly straight and wavy.

You got it? Just some examples of how to do some hairstyles.

Now the big question is about this book called Gaining Altitude. It's about three sisters that are triplets and their hairstyle is long short and medium. Hehe. This story is great, it has an adventure, fantasy creatures, and flying ships. And many more, I have gotten so far in it in pencil and just don't know if I really want to re-due it into my laptop. I can try just doing touch up for I don't know if I want to redraw this story for I have gone so far in it and it looks good as it is...maybe.

This is me reading some of the stories and as you can see it doesn't look bad as in art wise but I just conflicted what to do. It's one of my favorite stories and it's going to be one of those long stories that probably will go until the 20 volume or something it is a long story.

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