Monday, May 20, 2019

Why No means No

I have been so down lately, I might get really strictly. Really strict. For I am running out of options, I didn't want to get into people faces but I feel like that's the only way, the only way to get more subscribers on YouTube. Everyone else is doing it so maybe I have to do it to get people attention, you think that will work?

I made a recent video about NO means No and the reason I made it cause I remember the awkward moments when someone asked me if I wanted gum and I said no and she asked why not? And I hate to make an excuse why I don't want it so I said "I'm on a diet," and that made no sense what so ever.

Doesn't it bug you too though? Like, don't you wish they didn't ask you why afterward so now you have to explain why you didn't want it or explain why you don't want to hang with that person or explain why of something that shouldn't be that important. 

They are based on true events so none of it is made up, the time I talk about my friend we call her Betha that was getting hit by a nerd was very annoying and embarrassing, it was like talking to a seller guy trying to sell you soap. That has happened to me also, I was in the mall and got caught by a guy that was selling a certain type of soap product that is supposedly good, I was in his clutches, he would not let me go. I was getting more angry with this guy the more I was still with him, I tried every nice excuse why I couldn't buy it and why I had to go, he would not stop. I finally decided to get the cheapest thing there which was a bar of soap for ten dollars. Ten dollars. And I decided to get it as a gift for my sister and when I was telling him the reason I am getting it he did not care, he just kept saying how great the product is for me and how I should take care of myself and blah blah blah. I was so upset, I was at the other side of the mall crying to another sells person and she knew who I was talking about.
She comforts me and told me how he made her spend 300 dollars for soap. 300!! I felt so sick I wanted to throw my bar of soap at this guy, he did not make me feel good about my purchase. However, this sells person was super nice and the fact for comforted me I did buy a dress...I mean she did give me a discount and was super sweet and made me feel better for myself.

....Or did I buy a dress? I remember her offering a discount but I don't know if I got the dress or not...

My brain has not been the same since I got pregnant with my first child.  

 Love being a mom.

But there are hard times.

So if you ever visit me on Instagram or Facebook just know I might be personally telling you to subscribe to me on Youtube for I do not only poor animation I do music videos tutorials and if you have any suggestions I am open to it.

So I don't know when the last time I talked about my comics and if you haven't seen them on Instagram or Facebook where you can check them out. I picked out three of my favorites so far.

This one makes me laugh for it is so simple and so clever, at least I think so, I've been watching a lot of cooking shows but I don't think I will ever do it or make dinner...I don't like to cook, I am ok baking and pouring a bowl of cereal but that's it. It doesn't mean I can't I have made meals just not often, my hubby does all that.

This is me, ALL ME. I personally hate reading...the only thing I really read is the scriptures and manga books, but let's be honest manga is mainly pictures and that's why I like reading them. The only book I actually have read and have enjoyed it is the Twilight series, Hunger Games series, and the Matched series, I recommend to anyone even Pendragon, I have only read up to three books out of 10 books but they are really good books. I tried reading the Harry Potter series and I just couldn't get myself to read it.

It's been raining and I keep thinking about this song and feel like it's not entirely a good song. For the rain can be good, especially for hot summers.

I have many more and more to come I just need to sit down and do it, along with finishing Sweet and Sour it feels like it's taking forever to finish Sweet and Sour, here are a little glimpse. I know this blog is long I really need to do more of this blog thing more often. I know I don't have many great things to say and I don't have a lot of people reading it but it does help me with stress like today I am dealing with crap and this seems to help me distract it.

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