Thursday, May 23, 2019

Let's explain a dark Tale

With my last post, I was remembering why I want this, it's something I would love to do as a job and would love one day to get a call saying that I am invited to an art center or whatever singing books or my arts, and just get a little recognized and may able to perform my songs and just make everyone laugh and have a good time. That seems really fun to me but I don't know if I ever get there for first I need to finish my book Sweet and Sour.

It is something I wanted since 14, I was confused who I was and what I wanted to do at age 20-23, I was not drawing for I was not sure why I was. I was doing Gaining Altitude and couldn't bring myself to draw, nor singing or playing the piano I was just confused and didn't know if I did do this I won't go anywhere. But like I have said before my friend Beth has changed everything when she has managed to publish her first book, it did give me hope but I didn't know what to do about it, didn't know who to talk to or how to start. What I wanted was a nice drawing tablet and I didn't get that till years later.

I was so excited when my friend Beth gave me my tablet and it's working and hasn't stopped working. My laptop did and money is so tight that I manage to get one with luck but still, money is tight and it is stressing me out.

This here is a big give away about Izumi past and basics of his background. I have explained about his story in a different post. but in the story, Susie tells the tale about him for it was one of her projects she had to do as his savior (AKA Angel).

It is a tragic story, so dark, I love how I did the background in that and Susie hair came out perfect. Susie's hair is a little difficult, it's supposed to be curly hair but sometimes I feel like I keep doing it wrong or something.

I also wanted to show how close Susie and Lark are, Lark trusts Susie more than anyone and she relies on Susie for she knows Susie is the one that can do it.

Angels have the power, in the angel world there are rules and degrees, once you become a Savior you get to go thru the mortal or immortal door and once you do you get a bracelet that is their communicators, if they went thru the mortal door they can use their bracelets to become immortal for a while, being immortal you have your wings and halo and be unseen to the human eyes. Mortal is when you don't have your wings or halo and you are seen by humans and can get hurt. These bracelets let them have use of heaven powers, they can use it to have the things they need like furniture for their apartment, money to have the apartment. It can help them find crystals but only if they are near, it will vibrate if they are like five feet away from it. 

Susie and Lark are completely different kind of peoples, Susie is more happy and energetic, while Lark is more not. And yet Lark loves being around Susie more than anyone...even her twin sister Joy.

Everyone in this story has a Dark Tale, Izumi has one for his eye resembles it, Destiny the main villain especially has one, Drake, Imogen, Joy, Lark, Wyatt, and even Susie. Sure Chiaki has one along with Bartholomew but not as dark as the others.

Drake had a terrible past of abuse and neglect. 

Chiaki had father issues and couldn't bring children to the world but loves his wife dearly.

Susie had to raise her brother and sisters at the age of 6 and the youngest sibling was just a newborn, her parents never home so to survive she got herself and her siblings in a foster home. 

Imogen got kidnapped and was abused starving to death and been raped multiple times in a hole in the ground.
Wyatt got Leukemia died in late teens but was very neglected, no one supported him.

Destiny, abused, neglected, kidnapped, sex slave, and starved to death. She was literally going thru the worst of the worst.

Joy was the favorite but wanted to be friends with Lark, Lark was jealous of the attention Joy was getting so she pushed her away and hated that people never saw her as Lark, and all Joy wanted was the relationship that sisters should have with Lark.

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