Friday, May 17, 2019

Money Makes the World go Round

I am struggling with money, isn't everyone? Money is literally the term of the Money Makes the World Go Round, for without it you are nothing, literally. 

I wish school taught me how to be an adult, like taxes, getting insurances for your car, start working at the age of 10 to gain income to be adult, stuff like that. I am so stressed on how much debt I am in with stuff and don't have enough to pay it. Don't you? 

I didn't do this blog to get money, (I heard you can and I don't know how and it's not working so far) I did this blog to be stress-free, tell my story on my projects I'm doing while being a mom. I don't like sharing about my family for I don't want a creep looking at them and make a sick joke or what not, (for I hear way too many stories about that kind of stuff.) 

I have been thinking of making Sweet and Sour all in one book for that's how short it is, but at the same time I am so close finishing chapter four and I'll probably do chapter five and that will be the end of it for the end of chapter five is a very bad cliff hanger and that's the best kinds of endings of a book.

I did another video called This is Pitch! I have been thinking about if I was ever in a show like the Voice I think I'll jump scare myself if they press that button. I thought that would be a great idea to do and asked my sisters for the idea to record them and add them as well. Nonny-who was Karli singing voice- has the best voice, and I'm not just saying that cause she is my sister no she has an amazing voice, she has worked on it for years and I find it amazing. And the song she sang was made up and super hilarious. 

The song I sang was also an original called Welcome, I did it with my guitar Waldo and it doesn't sound too bad but I don't consider myself a great singer.

Tutu-who was Kynsie- just sang a simple nursery rhyme that we all know, Mary had a Little Lamp. 

I didn't know if I was doing something copyright for I stealing the pictures online from the Voice show for this idea was base on the Voice, so I changed a few things and called it Singing Time but then changed it to Pitch, if you look closely to the background I still have the title SingingTime back there I didn't change it to Pitch for it was going to be too much work when I'm already so tired.

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