Saturday, May 4, 2019

I need your Feedback

OK if you have been wondering why it's been so long since the last post I'll tell ya, I was dealing with a lot of stress, not about my book, not about my videos, I couldn't do them for a while for we were moving. It was very sudden and a miracle we were able to pack everything and move in three days. But once we were moved unpacking took a while, it was a very stressful thing for me, unpacking organizing and trying to watch my kids as well that was tough. My toddler kept getting into stuff like my makeup and food so the place was never clean until TODAY. Today my hubby took the kids out and the whole time he was gone with the kids I was cleaning.

There still needs some unpacking to be done but for now, I have all the essentials my sketchbooks, my notebooks, my laptop Aqua Cloud, my tablet Stirling, clothes, food, and toys. It's so nice to have a clean house.

Now that the house is clean and organize the best it can right now I am going to focus on my book and videos. I miss doing them, I feel like an empty cup that needs to fill with doing work.

But I do have a question.

I want to re-due my first ever finished comic called Flower in the Dust, it's in sketchbooks 14 of them and it took me five years to do them. I want to use my nifty computer technology to make them look good. But I have another story that I have gotten far in it, I got to sketchbook 11 on it, it's called Gaining Altitude and the art in it is not bad but it is in pencil. Do you think I should re-due it or keep it as it is and just fix a few things on it?

It's a way good story but it needs to be finished it is going to be one of those great adventures that might take 20 more sketchbooks to finished. Ok, maybe ten more the point is it is a great story.

Now I know you don't know the story so maybe you don't understand or care what I do but I would like feedback. Please reply your answer I would like feedback. I'll share the first chapter or book here.

Ok so I only read a few pages in this book, but it is a good book, along with many others, I just don't know if I should try to re-due it for it looks good as in pencil but probably when it's printed in an actual book if I do get that far, so please give me your input.

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