Tuesday, August 20, 2019

How I Animate

I didn't post this picture in my last post, for the last post I was talking about my videos of Part One Part Two and Part three on how I colored this picture. You can check it out on my channel here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfOcx7d6JnRsy1G8ucBVAgg?view_as=subscriber or check out my last post.

I also just did a recent video about Spiders.

I am not a big fan of spiders, are you? If you are and like to study spiders I am sorry if my killing spiders offends you for I am killing spiders in this video. Yes, I kill spiders, if I see one I go for the kill, I do sometimes grab them with toilet paper and flush them down the toilet thinking they might survive 50/50. 

My family growing up always ask me to kill the spiders for I am the brave one, I don't know how it became like that for when I see one I do get terrified and just quickly get rid of them, soon my family notices how I just do it and always ask me to do it, even though every time I get terrified doing it I do it. Now I am only terrified the poisonous ones like black widows, brown recluse, and hobos spiders. My best friend got bitten by one, a hobo spider, (I don't know if that's how you spell them) but she almost died from that spider. 

I pray so hard at night that no black widows or anything like that bit my kids at night, for I live in a place that is invested in spiders, I see spiders every day and I don't like it not one bit.

This video is different than any other video I have done, I told the story while drawing it out, I have seen other videos like that and I don't know how they do it for they do a lot better job than me but I enjoy watching those so I wanted to try and I don't think I did a terrible job but I know it isn't the best. 

But the point is the story is told, I told my two stories that I had experience with spiders, the first story is about a spider that attacked me by jumping on my hand and such and then I found his twin brother. The next story was about how we found a whole field of tiny spiders on a bunch of webs and it was all over me and my sister. It might be exaggerating a little bit but the point was it scared me and made me stay indoors for a while.

So yeah the spider video is different compared to what I did before. Like the season one was on my I pad that has been destroyed but I was able to do it on an app that was easy to animate. 

My first kiss video was on an animation software that I can't use anymore cause my new laptop doesn't have a CD thing so I can download it again, but that animation program really blew my mind. 

And for the most recent videos that I have done has been done on my amazing paint program call Medibang, I do it layer by layer and it takes forever but really any of these videos take a good amount of time to do it. 

I'll probably do a video tutorial about how I animat, I don't know when I'll do that for I am tied up with other projects, one of them is potty training my daughter for it's time to get her on the potty. 

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