Monday, August 5, 2019

Which Comic Do You Like?

Hello, people is Posiea!! Haha, I have no idea whats Posiea is that an actual place? Does anyone know what that is? For I say that to my videos but it came from when I was like 13 I started saying that to my friends and family when I see them. It's just something I say and can't figure out where it came from.

I got not much to say but that I AM GOING TO FAN-X IN SEPTEMBER @ SALT LAKE CITY UTAH, and you should totally come for I will not only be there I am there in a booth with my good friend Sara that arrange this whole thing, but I am also so excited for it!!!

So yeah that's going to be happen soon, I don't know if I am allowed to share what art we are going to sell for the past month and a half I've been coloring pictures for it, my friend Sara has been drawing them and then ask me to color them, she has also got them into poster form and got poster holders for them. It's legit. 

So yeah fun stuff, but have to get thru August first so that's going to be a while, both of my kids birthday are on this month. And I cannot believe it, both of my girls going to be older and it feels too fast. Last year I gave birth to my second kid and that was...ok, I was dying for her to come out and so happy she is here with me, she has been a light of my life in my dark times. She's like a light fairy or my Sunshine cause that's what she is, my first kid is my Princess, a very bratty one, but she is my princess. 

Anyways I wasn't sure what I was going to talk about with this post so here are some comics I have done in the past months.
I was watching Amazing World of Gumball and the mother was yelling saying, "Why do men tell women to smile!?!?!" or something like that don't quote me on that, but point is when she said that it reminded me all the times when most people all my life told me to smile when I was down and it just made me feel worse when they told me. I don't know why that is but it is, and so I thought up of this comic.
One particular when I was on my mission and witness my mission companion to go home early cause of health issues, the problem was I loved her, she was my favorite companion compared to some, so when she flew home I was sad and had to go to this choir practice thing at a church building with all other missionaries and one (new) Elder missionary that I don't really know who was telling me to smile, smile big, and I just burst into tears. Well, not publicly I left the room into the restroom and cried.
And another time I was at church for a ceremony of my graduation from Seminary, and the stake president in my area was the one greeting us all and when I came to him I was smiling but when it was all over he shook my parents hands and kept saying, "You need to get this girl to smile," and that just AAHHHHH!!!! Are you kidding me? Sure I wasn't smiling when we were just sitting there waiting to be called up, but I was smiling when I came up and shook his hand, why the heck!!!
This is not necessarily true for I can get my kids to sleep just fine, but I saw a meme that is similar to this so I decided to so the same thing but different.  

I thought up of this one when I was trying to sleep for some reason I couldn't for a while so I only got a few hours of sleep, but point is the baby started crying at seven and I was up and going for the day, and I notice that my hubby wakes up by his alarm clock on his phone so I felt like my kids are the alarm clocks I don't need an actual one. 

I was watching a kid for a friend and she told me to do this when he's upset, well when I did it was no good, and it got me thinking how when my siblings or parents watch my kids and the same trick I use don't work for them while watching my kids, so I thought maybe I can try making a comic out of it, but I guess it's not funny unless you get it.

I get so frustrated when my password doesn't work. And I feel like I was correct and the computer phone was wrong, but I get a new password anyways and when I try my usual password it tells me I can't use it for I already did and that gets me so mad!

Ok, do I really need to explain about this one? I mean who hasn't dealt with this problem at least once in their lifetime and it doesn't haven

When I work on my laptop I listen to Dr. Phil or music, and when I listen to music there would be times when it's my favorite song I stop what I am doing and dance and sing along. 

This is a four separate thing for Instagram it sometimes doesn't show my whole comic cause of the size of it so I try to downsize it, but when this idea I did four different pictures that are supposed to be together. I did this one first and then ask my sister what should Nonny and Tutu say and this is what they said.

I did this last one for the point is NO ONE should ever say that horseradish is not good PLAIN. I was trick one time to eat some and it was the worst experience I have experienced. Well one of the worst, my knee surgery is beyond the worst.

There's a lot more of comics on my facebook and Instagram go check them out. Which one was your favorite? for t-shirts and more. And don’t forget to check me out on Instagram and Facebook utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=1grlbiopcfeeb

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